Ужас,как е станало това назначение на този "доктор"...... :x
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martinka- BEN - потребител
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- Post n°26
Re: Започва се...
....Друг интересен момент е фактът, че в момента, когато е нает на работа като личен лекар на Майкъл Джексън, д-р Мъри изпитвал остри финансови затруднения, като дължал над $ 780 000 компенсации по предишни съдебни решения срещу него и др. разходи. Джоузеф Лоу отказа коментар дали и какво възнаграждание са поискали скъпоплатените адвокати за защитата на лекаря.
Ужас,как е станало това назначение на този "доктор"...... :x
Ужас,как е станало това назначение на този "доктор"...... :x
for all time- Moderator
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- Post n°27
Re: Започва се...
Michael Jackson received the fatal dose of Propofol through an IV in his leg, and law enforcement believes Dr. Conrad Murray may have tried covering it up ... this according to law enforcement sources and an anesthesiologist who reviewed the case for the LAPD.
Dr. Murray told cops he administered only a very small amount of Propofol -- 2.5ml shortly before Jackson died. But Dr. John Dombrowski, a noted anesthesiologist and member of the board of the American Society of Anesthesiologists who reviewed the LAPD file for detectives, tells TMZ that 2.5ml couldn't put Jackson to sleep, much less kill him. Indeed, the Coroner's report notes the level of Propofol found in Jackson's body was equivalent to that found during "general anesthesia for major surgery."
A small, empty, 20ml bottle of Propofol was found in the bedroom, but there was a secret compartment in a nearby closet that could be the key to the prosecution's case. Several days after Jackson's death, law enforcement found numerous bottles of Propofol in that closet, including a large, empty, 100ml bottle with a large tear in the rubber stopper.
The tear could be critical evidence. There are two ways of administering Propofol. The first is sticking a syringe into the rubber stopper, withdrawing a small amount and then injecting it into the tubing. The second way is by using a spike -- which creates a tear in the rubber stop -- and connects the entire bottle of Propofol to the tube.
Dr. Dombrowski says if a spike is used to connect the bottle directly to the IV tube, the doctor must use an infusion pump to regulate the flow of Propofol -- otherwise, the patient could easily OD. There was no infusion pump found in Jackson's home.
Dr. Dombrowski and law enforcement sources believe Dr. Murray may have connected the 100ml bottle of Propofol to the tube, and then either tried regulating the flow by eyeballing it or just letting it flow by itself ... and Dr. Dombrowski calls either scenario "reckless." Remember, Dr. Murray himself told detectives at one point he walked out of Jackson's room to go to the bathroom.
If Dr. Murray did indeed attach the 100ml bottle to the tube and the contents emptied into Jackson's system, that would be 40 times more Propofol than Dr. Murray said he administered.
There is no explanation for the empty bottle of Propofol in the hidden compartment.
Dr. Murray told cops he administered only a very small amount of Propofol -- 2.5ml shortly before Jackson died. But Dr. John Dombrowski, a noted anesthesiologist and member of the board of the American Society of Anesthesiologists who reviewed the LAPD file for detectives, tells TMZ that 2.5ml couldn't put Jackson to sleep, much less kill him. Indeed, the Coroner's report notes the level of Propofol found in Jackson's body was equivalent to that found during "general anesthesia for major surgery."
A small, empty, 20ml bottle of Propofol was found in the bedroom, but there was a secret compartment in a nearby closet that could be the key to the prosecution's case. Several days after Jackson's death, law enforcement found numerous bottles of Propofol in that closet, including a large, empty, 100ml bottle with a large tear in the rubber stopper.
The tear could be critical evidence. There are two ways of administering Propofol. The first is sticking a syringe into the rubber stopper, withdrawing a small amount and then injecting it into the tubing. The second way is by using a spike -- which creates a tear in the rubber stop -- and connects the entire bottle of Propofol to the tube.
Dr. Dombrowski says if a spike is used to connect the bottle directly to the IV tube, the doctor must use an infusion pump to regulate the flow of Propofol -- otherwise, the patient could easily OD. There was no infusion pump found in Jackson's home.
Dr. Dombrowski and law enforcement sources believe Dr. Murray may have connected the 100ml bottle of Propofol to the tube, and then either tried regulating the flow by eyeballing it or just letting it flow by itself ... and Dr. Dombrowski calls either scenario "reckless." Remember, Dr. Murray himself told detectives at one point he walked out of Jackson's room to go to the bathroom.
If Dr. Murray did indeed attach the 100ml bottle to the tube and the contents emptied into Jackson's system, that would be 40 times more Propofol than Dr. Murray said he administered.
There is no explanation for the empty bottle of Propofol in the hidden compartment.
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- Post n°28
Re: Започва се...
andeli- Админ/Създател
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- Post n°29
Re: Започва се...
Lawyers for DR. CONRAD MURRAY have accused authorities in Los Angeles of impeding their defence ahead of his trial over the death of MICHAEL JACKSON - by allegedly withholding crucial documents.
The medic pleaded not guilty to a count of involuntary manslaughter in L.A. last month (08Feb10). He stands accused of administering the powerful anaesthetic Propofol which killed the King of Pop in June (09), and he is due to back in court on 5 April (10), when a date for the pre-trial preliminary hearing will be set.
But the physician's lawyers are fuming after bosses at the L.A. County District Attorney's Office allegedly failed to hand over vital paperwork needed to help prepared Murray's defence.
A representative for Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, claims officials have been "slow" in turning over documents which could be crucial to Murray's case.
The spokesperson tells TMZ.com, "We remain confused by how suspiciously slow the D.A. has been in turning over the documents. (We) have not received anywhere near all of it."
A rep for the D.A.'s Office is adamant Murray's lawyers will receive everything they need when the reports have been properly processed: "The District Attorney's office is turning them over as soon as they are copied and catalogued. There is a huge number of documents and the process takes time."
The medic pleaded not guilty to a count of involuntary manslaughter in L.A. last month (08Feb10). He stands accused of administering the powerful anaesthetic Propofol which killed the King of Pop in June (09), and he is due to back in court on 5 April (10), when a date for the pre-trial preliminary hearing will be set.
But the physician's lawyers are fuming after bosses at the L.A. County District Attorney's Office allegedly failed to hand over vital paperwork needed to help prepared Murray's defence.
A representative for Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, claims officials have been "slow" in turning over documents which could be crucial to Murray's case.
The spokesperson tells TMZ.com, "We remain confused by how suspiciously slow the D.A. has been in turning over the documents. (We) have not received anywhere near all of it."
A rep for the D.A.'s Office is adamant Murray's lawyers will receive everything they need when the reports have been properly processed: "The District Attorney's office is turning them over as soon as they are copied and catalogued. There is a huge number of documents and the process takes time."
for all time- Moderator
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- Post n°30
Re: Започва се...
for all time- Moderator
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- Post n°31
Re: Започва се...
Нови разкрития от два различни източника за последните мигове от живота на Майкъл Джаксън хвърлят още повече сянката на подозрението върху личния лекар на Краля на попа, доктор Конрад Мъри.
Той е обвинен засега в непредумишлено убийство на певеца, но новите разкрития показват, че е действал доста странно в момента, когато е трябвало да се опита да съживи пациента си.
Според документи, с които се е сдобила агенция Асошиейтед прес, доктор Мъри се е забавил с оказването на първа помощ на изпълнителя и е закъснял с обаждането си на Бърза помощ, за да има време да събере от стаята му лекарства, които предписал неправомерно.
Това е разказал пред следователите Алберто Алварес, главен снабдител в имението на певеца.
От разказите на служителя на Майкъл Джексън става ясно, че на 25 юни той е влязъл в стаята на работодателя си и го е видял да лежи неподвижен на леглото, а към крака му е имало привързана система за венозно вливане на лекарства.
още по темата
Устата му била широко отворена, очите също и той изобщо не давал признаци на живот. Около него се суетял доктор Мъри.
В даден момент лекарят започнал да прави дишане уста в уста на Майкъл, а Алварес се опитал да му направи сърдечен масаж и да възстанови сърдечния му ритъм.
Точно тогава в спалнята влезли двете по-големи деца на певеца - Принс Майкъл и Парис. При вида на зловещата гледка те се разплакали и се наложило да бъде повикана бавачката им, за да ги отведе.
Жената извела децата извън къщата и ги настанила в една от колите на баща им.
От разказа на Алварес става също така ясно, че когато Майкъл Джаксън бил обявен за мъртъв в болницата, в която бил откаран, доктор Мъри се втурнал към дома на певеца с думите, че трябвало да побърза да прибере оттам някакъв чудодеен крем, за който никой на света не бивало да научава.
Адвокатът на доктор Конрад Мъри - Ед Чертоф, обаче отхвърли твърденията на Алварес, че клиентът му се е опитал да укрие някакви лекарства от разследващите.
Той припомни, че Алварес е бил разпитван два пъти досега и че всеки път версията му е била различна.
Същевременно британският в. "Дейли телеграф" съобщава, че доктор Мъри не е обявил пред екипа на Бърза помощ да е предписал на клиента си силния анестетик пропофол, който обикновено се дава преди операции.
Британското издание се позовава на публикуван във в. "Нюз ъв дъ уърлд" протокол за действията на екипа на Бърза помощ в дома на Джаксън.
От документа става ясно, че когато лекарите пристигнали в дома на певеца, сърцето му вече било спряло. Те се опитали да го съживят, а доктор Мъри настоял той да бъде откаран в болница.
Лекарите направили два опита в дома на Майкъл да възстановят сърдечния ритъм. В линейката последвали още три безуспешни опита.
Когато лекарите пристигнали в дома на певеца доктор Мъри сам правел сърдечен масаж, а към левия крак на певеца имало привързана система за интравенозво вливане на лекарства.
Майкъл нямал нито кръвно налягане, нито пулс, а зениците му били разширени, пише още в протокола.
Медиците два пъти използвали лекарствата епинефрин и атропин, за да накарат сърцето на певеца да заработи отново, се посочва в протокола.
Когато попитали доктор Мъри какви лекарства е приел пациентът му непосредствено преди кризата, лекарят споменал само за сънотворното лоразепан, но не казал нищо за пропофол.
Впоследствие съдебният лекар на Лос Анджелис, извършил аутопсията на Краля на попа, посочи пропофола като причина за смъртта на певеца, припомня в. "Дейли телеграф"
Той е обвинен засега в непредумишлено убийство на певеца, но новите разкрития показват, че е действал доста странно в момента, когато е трябвало да се опита да съживи пациента си.
Според документи, с които се е сдобила агенция Асошиейтед прес, доктор Мъри се е забавил с оказването на първа помощ на изпълнителя и е закъснял с обаждането си на Бърза помощ, за да има време да събере от стаята му лекарства, които предписал неправомерно.
Това е разказал пред следователите Алберто Алварес, главен снабдител в имението на певеца.
От разказите на служителя на Майкъл Джексън става ясно, че на 25 юни той е влязъл в стаята на работодателя си и го е видял да лежи неподвижен на леглото, а към крака му е имало привързана система за венозно вливане на лекарства.
още по темата
Устата му била широко отворена, очите също и той изобщо не давал признаци на живот. Около него се суетял доктор Мъри.
В даден момент лекарят започнал да прави дишане уста в уста на Майкъл, а Алварес се опитал да му направи сърдечен масаж и да възстанови сърдечния му ритъм.
Точно тогава в спалнята влезли двете по-големи деца на певеца - Принс Майкъл и Парис. При вида на зловещата гледка те се разплакали и се наложило да бъде повикана бавачката им, за да ги отведе.
Жената извела децата извън къщата и ги настанила в една от колите на баща им.
От разказа на Алварес става също така ясно, че когато Майкъл Джаксън бил обявен за мъртъв в болницата, в която бил откаран, доктор Мъри се втурнал към дома на певеца с думите, че трябвало да побърза да прибере оттам някакъв чудодеен крем, за който никой на света не бивало да научава.
Адвокатът на доктор Конрад Мъри - Ед Чертоф, обаче отхвърли твърденията на Алварес, че клиентът му се е опитал да укрие някакви лекарства от разследващите.
Той припомни, че Алварес е бил разпитван два пъти досега и че всеки път версията му е била различна.
Същевременно британският в. "Дейли телеграф" съобщава, че доктор Мъри не е обявил пред екипа на Бърза помощ да е предписал на клиента си силния анестетик пропофол, който обикновено се дава преди операции.
Британското издание се позовава на публикуван във в. "Нюз ъв дъ уърлд" протокол за действията на екипа на Бърза помощ в дома на Джаксън.
От документа става ясно, че когато лекарите пристигнали в дома на певеца, сърцето му вече било спряло. Те се опитали да го съживят, а доктор Мъри настоял той да бъде откаран в болница.
Лекарите направили два опита в дома на Майкъл да възстановят сърдечния ритъм. В линейката последвали още три безуспешни опита.
Когато лекарите пристигнали в дома на певеца доктор Мъри сам правел сърдечен масаж, а към левия крак на певеца имало привързана система за интравенозво вливане на лекарства.
Майкъл нямал нито кръвно налягане, нито пулс, а зениците му били разширени, пише още в протокола.
Медиците два пъти използвали лекарствата епинефрин и атропин, за да накарат сърцето на певеца да заработи отново, се посочва в протокола.
Когато попитали доктор Мъри какви лекарства е приел пациентът му непосредствено преди кризата, лекарят споменал само за сънотворното лоразепан, но не казал нищо за пропофол.
Впоследствие съдебният лекар на Лос Анджелис, извършил аутопсията на Краля на попа, посочи пропофола като причина за смъртта на певеца, припомня в. "Дейли телеграф"
Последната промяна е направена от for all time на Вто Мар 23, 2010 12:48 pm; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път
smile- BAD - потребител
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- Post n°32
Re: Започва се...
Тези информации вече нямам идея как да ги коментирам, освен да кажа, че са ужасни, тъжни и зловещи.
Мисля, че от тук нататък едва ли ще прочетем нещо по различно, но силно се надявам ИСТИНАТА -каквато и да е тя да възтържествува.
Истината ???и смисъла й ми се губят...(жалко е...)
Мисля, че от тук нататък едва ли ще прочетем нещо по различно, но силно се надявам ИСТИНАТА -каквато и да е тя да възтържествува.
Истината ???и смисъла й ми се губят...(жалко е...)
Последната промяна е направена от smile на Вто Мар 23, 2010 4:54 pm; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път
Tes- THRILLER - потребител
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- Post n°33
Re: Започва се...
И аз не знам как да коментирам. Просто ... нищо и никой няма да може да го върне физически тук и е най-болезнено и мъчително, когато нищо не може да се направи. Боли да си го представям всичко това, за това се опитвам да не го правя често.
И да знам, че всички онези, които му навредиха по един или друг начин са си получили заслуженото - няма да ми донесе достатъчна утеха. Никаква даже. Най-важното го няма тук.
P.S: Направих малки, но съществени корекции в името на Майкъл в посследния пост на for all time.
И да знам, че всички онези, които му навредиха по един или друг начин са си получили заслуженото - няма да ми донесе достатъчна утеха. Никаква даже. Най-важното го няма тук.
P.S: Направих малки, но съществени корекции в името на Майкъл в посследния пост на for all time.
Последната промяна е направена от Tes на Вто Мар 23, 2010 12:50 pm; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път
for all time- Moderator
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- Post n°34
Re: Започва се...
Благодаря ти Тес , понякога бързам и въобще недоглеждам. Знам за какво ми говориш! Съжелявам , че се е наложило!
andeli- Админ/Създател
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- Post n°35
Re: Започва се...
for all time- Moderator
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- Post n°36
Re: Започва се...
Моля ви кажете в две думи, защото при мен е много тихо. А и английския ми не от най добрите ми страни. Знам , че не е леко това , което ще преведете.Затова благодаря!
andeli- Админ/Създател
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- Post n°37
Re: Започва се...
Толкова много мога да кажа...но
for all time- Moderator
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- Post n°38
Re: Започва се...
Какво по дяволите е правил този човек? Какъв трябва да си за да ти плащат толкова пари и ти да не си "responding" за нищо? Боже , в какъв свят живеем ? Знам колко е виновен и Майкъл за това което си е причинявал , но ...... поне е решил да бъде отговорен давайки право лекар да дозира.. Може и да греша, може да е от болката , от любовта, но той е моето слънчице!
for all time- Moderator
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- Post n°39
Re: Започва се...
Dr. Murray's Defense - Jackson Killed Himself
Posted Apr 4th 2010 4:00AM by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray's legal defense is that Michael Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of Propofol.
Multiple sources familiar with the strategy tell TMZ the defense argument goes like this:
- At around 10:50 AM, Dr. Murray gave Jackson 25 mg of Propofol from a 20 ml bottle -- that's only about 1/8 of the bottle.
- The dose Dr. Murray administered would keep someone asleep for only 5 to 10 minutes, But the Propofol, along with the Ativan and Versed that was already in MJ's system, had a synergistic effect that put Jackson to sleep for a longer period of time.
- For the next hour, Dr. Murray stayed in the room and was on the phone for much of the time. Dr. Murray didn't leave the room to make the calls because MJ liked activity in the room, regularly sleeping with the lights on and cartoons blaring on the TV.
- At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the defense believes Jackson suddenly awakened and was frustrated he had spent nearly 9 hours trying in vain to sleep. The defense theory -- Jackson took the 20 ml bottle of Propofol and self-injected the remaining contents through the IV, causing a massive overdose that stopped his heart.
- Dr. Murray walked back in the room and saw Jackson with his eyes open and pupils dilated. Dr. Murray dropped the phone (he was speaking with his girlfriend) and began administering CPR.
The defense will argue Michael Jackson was a long-time Propofol addict -- something TMZ first reported shortly after the singer's death. As one source said, Jackson liked the sensation of Propofol being administered by IV, adding, "Michael liked to push it."
L.A. County Coroner's investigators took a picture in the room, showing an empty Propofol bottle on the floor, underneath the nightstand by Jackson's bed. The defense will argue Jackson grabbed the bottle from the nightstand, injected himself and then dropped the bottle.
Remember, law enforcement believes Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol before paramedics arrived. The defense will argue ... if Dr. Murray was really hiding Propofol, he would have removed the empty bottle under the nightstand that caused Jackson's death.
Ed Chernoff, Murray's attorney, could not be reached for comment.
Posted Apr 4th 2010 4:00AM by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray's legal defense is that Michael Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of Propofol.
Multiple sources familiar with the strategy tell TMZ the defense argument goes like this:
- At around 10:50 AM, Dr. Murray gave Jackson 25 mg of Propofol from a 20 ml bottle -- that's only about 1/8 of the bottle.
- The dose Dr. Murray administered would keep someone asleep for only 5 to 10 minutes, But the Propofol, along with the Ativan and Versed that was already in MJ's system, had a synergistic effect that put Jackson to sleep for a longer period of time.
- For the next hour, Dr. Murray stayed in the room and was on the phone for much of the time. Dr. Murray didn't leave the room to make the calls because MJ liked activity in the room, regularly sleeping with the lights on and cartoons blaring on the TV.
- At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the defense believes Jackson suddenly awakened and was frustrated he had spent nearly 9 hours trying in vain to sleep. The defense theory -- Jackson took the 20 ml bottle of Propofol and self-injected the remaining contents through the IV, causing a massive overdose that stopped his heart.
- Dr. Murray walked back in the room and saw Jackson with his eyes open and pupils dilated. Dr. Murray dropped the phone (he was speaking with his girlfriend) and began administering CPR.
The defense will argue Michael Jackson was a long-time Propofol addict -- something TMZ first reported shortly after the singer's death. As one source said, Jackson liked the sensation of Propofol being administered by IV, adding, "Michael liked to push it."
L.A. County Coroner's investigators took a picture in the room, showing an empty Propofol bottle on the floor, underneath the nightstand by Jackson's bed. The defense will argue Jackson grabbed the bottle from the nightstand, injected himself and then dropped the bottle.
Remember, law enforcement believes Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol before paramedics arrived. The defense will argue ... if Dr. Murray was really hiding Propofol, he would have removed the empty bottle under the nightstand that caused Jackson's death.
Ed Chernoff, Murray's attorney, could not be reached for comment.
Tes- THRILLER - потребител
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- Post n°40
Re: Започва се...
Не... не, това не го вярвам.
Колко удобно! Точно когато Мъри излязал за 2 минути, точно тогава Майкъл се събудил... Да, бе.
Всеки път ли историята ще се променя...
Колко удобно! Точно когато Мъри излязал за 2 минути, точно тогава Майкъл се събудил... Да, бе.
Всеки път ли историята ще се променя...
andeli- Админ/Създател
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- Post n°41
Re: Започва се...
Fans want justice for Michael Jackson as Dr. Conrad Murray appears in court
April 5, 2010 | 1:43 pm
Fans of the late Michael Jackson flooded the outside steps of Los Angeles County Superior Court as Dr. Conrad Murray, who faces involuntary manslaughter charges in the pop singer's death, was set for a court hearing Monday morning.
The California attorney general's office is seeking to have Murray's medical license suspended. Murray is fighting that move, saying he needs to practice medicine to make ends meet.
In reports from the L.A. County coroner’s office, Jackson had high levels of the powerful sedative propofol in his system when he died last June.
Murray has pleaded not guilty and maintains he did nothing wrong. He told investigators that Jackson, 50, was a chronic insomniac who for years had depended on propofol -- a white liquid that the singer called "milk" -- to sleep, according to police affidavits filed in court.
Some members of Jackson's family are scheduled to appear in court Monday, including his father, Joe Jackson, and brother Jermaine Jackson. In a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired Friday, his sister Janet Jackson said she holds Murray responsible, and also spoke of numerous family interventions for the singer, who she said was in denial.
As a large group of fans shouted, sang and held signs -- one read "Conrad Murray makes us wanna scream" -- Michele Drake stood alone on the opposite side of the street. She held onto a banner that read, "All for l-o-v-e, justice for Michael."
"I'm not here for the attention, I'm here for Michael," said Drake, 45. "I came from South Carolina to be here. It's been a long day, but a good day."
Drake said she wanted to represent all the fans she communicates with on blogs and online forums who couldn't be present at Monday's hearing. She was disappointed at the crowd of fans who were yelling across the street because that's not what Jackson would stand for, she said.
Share your thoughts. It's been more than nine months since Jackson's death. We previously asked if his license should be revoked. Who do you think has a stronger case, Murray or the prosecution?
-- Gerrick D. Kennedy (Follow me on Twitter @GerrickKennedy)
April 5, 2010 | 1:43 pm
Fans of the late Michael Jackson flooded the outside steps of Los Angeles County Superior Court as Dr. Conrad Murray, who faces involuntary manslaughter charges in the pop singer's death, was set for a court hearing Monday morning.
The California attorney general's office is seeking to have Murray's medical license suspended. Murray is fighting that move, saying he needs to practice medicine to make ends meet.
In reports from the L.A. County coroner’s office, Jackson had high levels of the powerful sedative propofol in his system when he died last June.
Murray has pleaded not guilty and maintains he did nothing wrong. He told investigators that Jackson, 50, was a chronic insomniac who for years had depended on propofol -- a white liquid that the singer called "milk" -- to sleep, according to police affidavits filed in court.
Some members of Jackson's family are scheduled to appear in court Monday, including his father, Joe Jackson, and brother Jermaine Jackson. In a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired Friday, his sister Janet Jackson said she holds Murray responsible, and also spoke of numerous family interventions for the singer, who she said was in denial.
As a large group of fans shouted, sang and held signs -- one read "Conrad Murray makes us wanna scream" -- Michele Drake stood alone on the opposite side of the street. She held onto a banner that read, "All for l-o-v-e, justice for Michael."
"I'm not here for the attention, I'm here for Michael," said Drake, 45. "I came from South Carolina to be here. It's been a long day, but a good day."
Drake said she wanted to represent all the fans she communicates with on blogs and online forums who couldn't be present at Monday's hearing. She was disappointed at the crowd of fans who were yelling across the street because that's not what Jackson would stand for, she said.
Share your thoughts. It's been more than nine months since Jackson's death. We previously asked if his license should be revoked. Who do you think has a stronger case, Murray or the prosecution?
-- Gerrick D. Kennedy (Follow me on Twitter @GerrickKennedy)
for all time- Moderator
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Местожителство : close to him
- Post n°42
Re: Започва се...
Michael Jackson -- Strong Stimulant Found
Posted Apr 7th 2010 8:00AM
There may be a clear explanation as to why Michael Jackson
had trouble sleeping the night before he died -- authorities found a
pill bottle in the room containing tablets that would have hyped the
singer up big time.
The bottle, which had no label, contained 13
tablets. Each tablet had a combination of ephedrine, caffeine and
aspirin. The commercial sale of ephedrine -- a stimulant designed for-- is banned in the U.S. because of reports of heart attacks, strokes and even death.
pill contained 25 mg of ephedrine, 200 mg of caffeine and 80 mg of
aspirin. The caffeine alone in each pill is equivalent to nearly a
6-pack of Coca-Cola.
One company that manufactures the drug warns against using it past mid-afternoon, because it will cause insomnia.
According to the toxicology results, ephedrine was present in Jackson's urine.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/page/3/#ixzz0kWyoT4ke
Posted Apr 7th 2010 8:00AM
There may be a clear explanation as to why Michael Jackson
had trouble sleeping the night before he died -- authorities found a
pill bottle in the room containing tablets that would have hyped the
singer up big time.
The bottle, which had no label, contained 13
tablets. Each tablet had a combination of ephedrine, caffeine and
aspirin. The commercial sale of ephedrine -- a stimulant designed for-- is banned in the U.S. because of reports of heart attacks, strokes and even death.
pill contained 25 mg of ephedrine, 200 mg of caffeine and 80 mg of
aspirin. The caffeine alone in each pill is equivalent to nearly a
6-pack of Coca-Cola.
One company that manufactures the drug warns against using it past mid-afternoon, because it will cause insomnia.
According to the toxicology results, ephedrine was present in Jackson's urine.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/page/3/#ixzz0kWyoT4ke
for all time- Moderator
- Брой мнения : 2104
Join date : 05.02.2010
Местожителство : close to him
- Post n°43
Re: Започва се...
Propofol level in
Michael Jackson's body at the time of his autopsy was 10 to 100 times
higher than the level attributable to the dosage Dr. Conrad Murray
admits to having administered.
02, 2010, (Sawf News) - Propofol level in Michael Jackson's body at the
time of his autopsy was 10 to 100 times higher than the level
attributable to the dosage Dr. Conrad Murray admits to having
Dr. Bruce Speiss, Professor of Anesthesiology, who didn't' treat Michael Jackson, tells CNN:
"The levels of propofol in the toxicology report are considerably higher, perhaps by factors of 10 to a 100 time higher."
Murray told police that he administered 25 ml of propofol after three other drugs failed to help Michael sleep.
Dr. Bruce also highlights some other inconsistencies.
says he stayed with Jackson for 10 minutes after administering
propofol, in which case he should have noticed something was wrong.
Michael should have been adversely affected with seconds of being given the drug.
he was going to stop breathing he should have stopped breathing within
30 secs to 2 mins after the propofol went in," says Dr. Bruce.
a quantity as small as 25 ml should have been injected, not
administered using IV, Dr Bruce points out, since the IV tube itself
would take up 25 ml.
Мисля , че това е текста от репортажа на СNN.
Докторът е анестезиолог, който обеснява , че пропофолът се инжектира ,а не се прави интравенозно .Ако Майкъл е спрял да диша, то това е станало за около 30 сек. до 2 минути след даване на упойката и ако Мъри наистина е бил до него 10мин., е щял да види веднага,че Майкъл не диша т.к. пропофолът действа на секундата след влизането в организма.
Д-р Брус подчертава също така някои други несъответствия.
Michael Jackson's body at the time of his autopsy was 10 to 100 times
higher than the level attributable to the dosage Dr. Conrad Murray
admits to having administered.
02, 2010, (Sawf News) - Propofol level in Michael Jackson's body at the
time of his autopsy was 10 to 100 times higher than the level
attributable to the dosage Dr. Conrad Murray admits to having
Dr. Bruce Speiss, Professor of Anesthesiology, who didn't' treat Michael Jackson, tells CNN:
"The levels of propofol in the toxicology report are considerably higher, perhaps by factors of 10 to a 100 time higher."
Murray told police that he administered 25 ml of propofol after three other drugs failed to help Michael sleep.
Dr. Bruce also highlights some other inconsistencies.
says he stayed with Jackson for 10 minutes after administering
propofol, in which case he should have noticed something was wrong.
Michael should have been adversely affected with seconds of being given the drug.
he was going to stop breathing he should have stopped breathing within
30 secs to 2 mins after the propofol went in," says Dr. Bruce.
a quantity as small as 25 ml should have been injected, not
administered using IV, Dr Bruce points out, since the IV tube itself
would take up 25 ml.
Мисля , че това е текста от репортажа на СNN.
Докторът е анестезиолог, който обеснява , че пропофолът се инжектира ,а не се прави интравенозно .Ако Майкъл е спрял да диша, то това е станало за около 30 сек. до 2 минути след даване на упойката и ако Мъри наистина е бил до него 10мин., е щял да види веднага,че Майкъл не диша т.к. пропофолът действа на секундата след влизането в организма.
Д-р Брус подчертава също така някои други несъответствия.
andeli- Админ/Създател
- Брой мнения : 3160
Join date : 05.02.2010
Age : 52
Местожителство : In a parallel world
- Post n°44
Re: Започва се...
Jackson's ex-wives to testify in court
Monday, April 12, 2010 (London)
'King Of Pop' Michael Jackson's former wives Debbie Rowe and Lisa Marie Presley are to appear in court to testify in the ongoing trial where his physician has been charged with manslaughter.
It is being claimed that the Thriller hitmaker slept with his eyes open and his former wives' testament will be used by defence lawyers representing Dr Conrad Murray as he fights a homicide charge, reported News of the World online.
Rowe, mother of Jackson's eldest kids Prince and Paris, will be quizzed at Murray's trial this year, alongwith Presley and nanny Grace Rwaramba, whom the pop icon called his "wife".
Murray, 56, is charged with manslaughter for the June 25 mishap over claims that he injected the singer with a fatal dose of Propofol.
The cardiologist's defence team reportedly have evidence that the seasoned drug user often appeared awake when asleep. They say he would have his eyes open and his pupils would be dilated when he was on Propofol.
"We've found he would appear dopey and sleep with his eyes open when he had taken meds. We want the women closest to him to verify this. We'll also ask his doctors about how he slept after being knocked out. This could be a key part in the defence," said a source.
Защо го помествам и аз не знам след като не вярвам, че е възможно защитата да обяви стратегията си предварително????
Monday, April 12, 2010 (London)
'King Of Pop' Michael Jackson's former wives Debbie Rowe and Lisa Marie Presley are to appear in court to testify in the ongoing trial where his physician has been charged with manslaughter.
It is being claimed that the Thriller hitmaker slept with his eyes open and his former wives' testament will be used by defence lawyers representing Dr Conrad Murray as he fights a homicide charge, reported News of the World online.
Rowe, mother of Jackson's eldest kids Prince and Paris, will be quizzed at Murray's trial this year, alongwith Presley and nanny Grace Rwaramba, whom the pop icon called his "wife".
Murray, 56, is charged with manslaughter for the June 25 mishap over claims that he injected the singer with a fatal dose of Propofol.
The cardiologist's defence team reportedly have evidence that the seasoned drug user often appeared awake when asleep. They say he would have his eyes open and his pupils would be dilated when he was on Propofol.
"We've found he would appear dopey and sleep with his eyes open when he had taken meds. We want the women closest to him to verify this. We'll also ask his doctors about how he slept after being knocked out. This could be a key part in the defence," said a source.
Защо го помествам и аз не знам след като не вярвам, че е възможно защитата да обяви стратегията си предварително????
L.O.V.E. MJ- Moderator
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- Post n°45
Re: Започва се...
Съветът на колеж на лекарите на Калифорния провежда свое собствено разследване Конрад Мъри
В днешната пресконференция в Лос Анджелис Генералния адвокат Джери Браун съобщи, че Съветът на колеж на лекарите в Калифорния ще започне на своите собствени процедури, за да отнемат Конрад Мъри от правото си да упражнява. Съветът вече е направено това искане в съда: той твърди, че лекарите вече не е позволено за лечение на пациенти в очакване на съдебно решение за участието си в смъртта на Майкъл Джексън. Въпреки това, назначаването на нов съдия по делото е отложено решението за 14 юни. По тази причина, Браун - който смята, че суспендирането трябва да отговори "бързо и ефективно" - каза едно независимо разследване ще бъде пуснат.
Ако Конрад Мъри стигна до загуби лиценза си в Калифорния, тя най-вероятно подобни решения в други държави, в които има право да упражни (Невада и Тексас). Всъщност, повечето от съветите на ред, основан на един кодекс, който гласи, че ако един лекар е била спряна от функциите си в дадена държава, е достатъчно основание за покана за спирането му в друга държава.
Например, Калифорния кодекс гласи: Отмяната, временното прекратяване, дисциплинарни наказания, ограничения или ограничения, наложени от друга държава, за издаване на лицензия или сертификат, издаден от тази държава, за разрешаване за упражняване на медицинска [...] ще е достатъчно основание за налагане на дисциплинарно производство в [Калифорния членка] срещу лекар за непрофесионално поведение. "
Източник: CNN
През Гугъл преводача е затова е малко странен текста, но смисъла
е ясен мисля.
В днешната пресконференция в Лос Анджелис Генералния адвокат Джери Браун съобщи, че Съветът на колеж на лекарите в Калифорния ще започне на своите собствени процедури, за да отнемат Конрад Мъри от правото си да упражнява. Съветът вече е направено това искане в съда: той твърди, че лекарите вече не е позволено за лечение на пациенти в очакване на съдебно решение за участието си в смъртта на Майкъл Джексън. Въпреки това, назначаването на нов съдия по делото е отложено решението за 14 юни. По тази причина, Браун - който смята, че суспендирането трябва да отговори "бързо и ефективно" - каза едно независимо разследване ще бъде пуснат.
Ако Конрад Мъри стигна до загуби лиценза си в Калифорния, тя най-вероятно подобни решения в други държави, в които има право да упражни (Невада и Тексас). Всъщност, повечето от съветите на ред, основан на един кодекс, който гласи, че ако един лекар е била спряна от функциите си в дадена държава, е достатъчно основание за покана за спирането му в друга държава.
Например, Калифорния кодекс гласи: Отмяната, временното прекратяване, дисциплинарни наказания, ограничения или ограничения, наложени от друга държава, за издаване на лицензия или сертификат, издаден от тази държава, за разрешаване за упражняване на медицинска [...] ще е достатъчно основание за налагане на дисциплинарно производство в [Калифорния членка] срещу лекар за непрофесионално поведение. "
Източник: CNN
През Гугъл преводача е затова е малко странен текста, но смисъла
е ясен мисля.
andeli- Админ/Създател
- Брой мнения : 3160
Join date : 05.02.2010
Age : 52
Местожителство : In a parallel world
- Post n°46
Re: Започва се...
Lawyer for Jackson's doctor says no plea bargain
By LINDA DEUTSCH (AP) – 2 days ago
LOS ANGELES — The lawyer for Michael Jackson's doctor says there will be no plea bargain in the involuntary manslaughter case, though he worries whether an impartial jury can be seated for a trial in the death of one of the world's most famous and idolized entertainers.
The case against Dr. Conrad Murray is complicated, involving drugs, dosages, medical protocols and other complex issues. Defense lawyers and prosecutors are crafting their legal strategies ahead of a summertime preliminary hearing where much of the evidence may become public.
Already, potentially damaging information about Murray has been revealed.
An autopsy report found Jackson died from an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. In a statement to police, Murray acknowledged giving Jackson the drug and other sedatives to help him sleep, then briefly leaving his bedside. Cellular phone records show he made at least three personal calls around the time Jackson was stricken.
A Jackson employee who said he was in the room while Murray worked to save the pop star told police the doctor interrupted CPR to collect drug vials.
Murray maintains his innocence, and his lawyer, Ed Chernoff, has said nothing that he gave Jackson "should have" killed him. Chernoff noted the Jackson employee gave a different version of events to police in another statement.
"You may find after you are done watching the trial that it is not nearly as cut and dried as has been presented," Chernoff told The Associated Press in a recent interview. "One thing that simply will never be the truth is that Dr. Murray pumped a bunch of drugs into Michael Jackson and walked out of that room. He's not that kind of guy."
The King of Pop was 50 when he died on June 25 in his rented Bel Air mansion, on the brink of a series of comeback shows in London. Murray, a 57-year-old cardiologist with practices in Houston and Las Vegas, was hired by the superstar to look after his health during the rigorous rehearsals and planned to accompany Jackson to London.
Deputy District Attorney David Walgren will seek to prove the doctor acted with "gross negligence" when he gave the singer propofol to help him sleep.
The anesthetic is supposed to be used in hospital situations for surgery and patients are to be monitored constantly by anesthesia professionals. The drug's effects are intensified when used in conjunction with other sedatives.
Prosecution experts are expected to say it was reckless to use it in a private home without proper equipment.
TMZ has reported that among the defense strategies being discussed is the possibility Jackson administered the fatal dose himself. Chernoff declined to discuss how he might defend Murray and said a final decision won't be made until he hears the prosecution's theory at the preliminary hearing.
Regardless of what prosecutors present, he said there will be no plea bargain.
"Plea bargains are for guilty people," he said.
Realistically, there's little incentive for either side to push for a plea bargain.
Prosecutors brought a relatively minor charge with a maximum sentence of just four years, so there's not much room to negotiate down.
"The district attorney didn't overcharge the case," said celebrity attorney Harland Braun, whose clients included Dr. Allan Metzger of Los Angeles, an internist and rheumatologist who had a close relationship with Jackson and was godfather to one of the singer's children. "They are charging what they think they can prove."
Murray already is deeply in debt and pleading to a felony would open him to liability in a civil damages trial. The Jackson family has spoken of suing Murray for wrongful death.
To gain a conviction at trial, prosecutors will have to walk jurors through Jackson's complicated medical history as well as the events leading up to his death. That will be crucial, said Ellyn Garafalo, a prominent defense attorney who is representing a doctor charged in the Anna Nicole Smith drug case.
"The biggest hurdle they have is to show whatever Dr. Murray did caused Michael Jackson's death," she said. "They're going to have to say he knew or should have known that what he did could have resulted in death."
An element of the defense theory, Braun said, may be that Jackson was a demanding patient who insisted on propofol, a drug he had taken for a long time.
"The defense theory is Michael Jackson needed it, wanted it, knew the danger and took the risks," Braun said.
Garafalo said that while such an argument can be made in an effort to persuade the jury, it is not a legal defense.
"It's like saying I asked someone to shoot me and he did, so he's not guilty," she said.
Prosecutors will argue that the doctor bears the ultimate responsibility for his actions and can't be absolved because the patient may have pressured him to do something he should have known was dangerous.
Jackson's celebrity is sure to influence the case and Chernoff worries about seating a jury.
"There is a real concern that we have about getting a group of jurors that are going to come into court and are not going to have any preconceived notions of guilt," he said.
But publicity in this case is everywhere, he said, so seeking a change of venue is unlikely.
"The problem is we have this around-the-world stuff," said Chernoff. "Even in the O.J. Simpson trial, people in Uganda didn't care about it. But in this case, they care in Uganda and everywhere else."
By LINDA DEUTSCH (AP) – 2 days ago
LOS ANGELES — The lawyer for Michael Jackson's doctor says there will be no plea bargain in the involuntary manslaughter case, though he worries whether an impartial jury can be seated for a trial in the death of one of the world's most famous and idolized entertainers.
The case against Dr. Conrad Murray is complicated, involving drugs, dosages, medical protocols and other complex issues. Defense lawyers and prosecutors are crafting their legal strategies ahead of a summertime preliminary hearing where much of the evidence may become public.
Already, potentially damaging information about Murray has been revealed.
An autopsy report found Jackson died from an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. In a statement to police, Murray acknowledged giving Jackson the drug and other sedatives to help him sleep, then briefly leaving his bedside. Cellular phone records show he made at least three personal calls around the time Jackson was stricken.
A Jackson employee who said he was in the room while Murray worked to save the pop star told police the doctor interrupted CPR to collect drug vials.
Murray maintains his innocence, and his lawyer, Ed Chernoff, has said nothing that he gave Jackson "should have" killed him. Chernoff noted the Jackson employee gave a different version of events to police in another statement.
"You may find after you are done watching the trial that it is not nearly as cut and dried as has been presented," Chernoff told The Associated Press in a recent interview. "One thing that simply will never be the truth is that Dr. Murray pumped a bunch of drugs into Michael Jackson and walked out of that room. He's not that kind of guy."
The King of Pop was 50 when he died on June 25 in his rented Bel Air mansion, on the brink of a series of comeback shows in London. Murray, a 57-year-old cardiologist with practices in Houston and Las Vegas, was hired by the superstar to look after his health during the rigorous rehearsals and planned to accompany Jackson to London.
Deputy District Attorney David Walgren will seek to prove the doctor acted with "gross negligence" when he gave the singer propofol to help him sleep.
The anesthetic is supposed to be used in hospital situations for surgery and patients are to be monitored constantly by anesthesia professionals. The drug's effects are intensified when used in conjunction with other sedatives.
Prosecution experts are expected to say it was reckless to use it in a private home without proper equipment.
TMZ has reported that among the defense strategies being discussed is the possibility Jackson administered the fatal dose himself. Chernoff declined to discuss how he might defend Murray and said a final decision won't be made until he hears the prosecution's theory at the preliminary hearing.
Regardless of what prosecutors present, he said there will be no plea bargain.
"Plea bargains are for guilty people," he said.
Realistically, there's little incentive for either side to push for a plea bargain.
Prosecutors brought a relatively minor charge with a maximum sentence of just four years, so there's not much room to negotiate down.
"The district attorney didn't overcharge the case," said celebrity attorney Harland Braun, whose clients included Dr. Allan Metzger of Los Angeles, an internist and rheumatologist who had a close relationship with Jackson and was godfather to one of the singer's children. "They are charging what they think they can prove."
Murray already is deeply in debt and pleading to a felony would open him to liability in a civil damages trial. The Jackson family has spoken of suing Murray for wrongful death.
To gain a conviction at trial, prosecutors will have to walk jurors through Jackson's complicated medical history as well as the events leading up to his death. That will be crucial, said Ellyn Garafalo, a prominent defense attorney who is representing a doctor charged in the Anna Nicole Smith drug case.
"The biggest hurdle they have is to show whatever Dr. Murray did caused Michael Jackson's death," she said. "They're going to have to say he knew or should have known that what he did could have resulted in death."
An element of the defense theory, Braun said, may be that Jackson was a demanding patient who insisted on propofol, a drug he had taken for a long time.
"The defense theory is Michael Jackson needed it, wanted it, knew the danger and took the risks," Braun said.
Garafalo said that while such an argument can be made in an effort to persuade the jury, it is not a legal defense.
"It's like saying I asked someone to shoot me and he did, so he's not guilty," she said.
Prosecutors will argue that the doctor bears the ultimate responsibility for his actions and can't be absolved because the patient may have pressured him to do something he should have known was dangerous.
Jackson's celebrity is sure to influence the case and Chernoff worries about seating a jury.
"There is a real concern that we have about getting a group of jurors that are going to come into court and are not going to have any preconceived notions of guilt," he said.
But publicity in this case is everywhere, he said, so seeking a change of venue is unlikely.
"The problem is we have this around-the-world stuff," said Chernoff. "Even in the O.J. Simpson trial, people in Uganda didn't care about it. But in this case, they care in Uganda and everywhere else."
L.O.V.E. MJ- Moderator
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- Post n°47
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Murray's Lawyer Worries About Impartiality Of Jackson Jury
DR. CONRAD MURRAY's lawyer fears his client will not get a fair trial when he goes to court over the death of MICHAEL JACKSON because the King of Pop was so loved by people across the globe.
The embattled medic has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter amid accusations he administered the powerful drug that killed Jackson last June (09).
Murray's lawyer Ed Chernoff insists the doctor will not be negotiating a deal with Los Angeles prosecutors because "plea bargains are for guilty people".
But he worries about the impartiality of the jury in a case concerning the death of one of the world's biggest pop superstars.
He tells the Associated Press, "You may find after you are done watching the trial that it is not nearly as cut and dried as has been presented.
"One thing that simply will never be the truth is that Dr. Murray pumped a bunch of drugs into Michael Jackson and walked out of that room. He's not that kind of guy."
Murray has already agreed not to administer the anaesthetic Propofol or other heavy sedatives to his patients as a result of the police investigation into his actions.
If convicted, Murray faces up to four years behind bars.
Не съм на "ТИ" с английския, но за да е ясно и разбираемо какво поствам чичко Гугъл ми подава ръка. Адвокатът на Мъри е притеснен, че клиента му
няма да получи справедлив процес и се съмнява в безпристрастността
на журито, защото Майкъл "беше толкова обичан от хората по света".
DR. CONRAD MURRAY's lawyer fears his client will not get a fair trial when he goes to court over the death of MICHAEL JACKSON because the King of Pop was so loved by people across the globe.
The embattled medic has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter amid accusations he administered the powerful drug that killed Jackson last June (09).
Murray's lawyer Ed Chernoff insists the doctor will not be negotiating a deal with Los Angeles prosecutors because "plea bargains are for guilty people".
But he worries about the impartiality of the jury in a case concerning the death of one of the world's biggest pop superstars.
He tells the Associated Press, "You may find after you are done watching the trial that it is not nearly as cut and dried as has been presented.
"One thing that simply will never be the truth is that Dr. Murray pumped a bunch of drugs into Michael Jackson and walked out of that room. He's not that kind of guy."
Murray has already agreed not to administer the anaesthetic Propofol or other heavy sedatives to his patients as a result of the police investigation into his actions.
If convicted, Murray faces up to four years behind bars.
Не съм на "ТИ" с английския, но за да е ясно и разбираемо какво поствам чичко Гугъл ми подава ръка. Адвокатът на Мъри е притеснен, че клиента му
няма да получи справедлив процес и се съмнява в безпристрастността
на журито, защото Майкъл "беше толкова обичан от хората по света".
L.O.V.E. MJ- Moderator
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- Post n°48
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Murray's Medical License Restricted In Nevada
MICHAEL JACKSON's former doctor CONRAD MURRAY has been banned from prescribing anaesthetics in Nevada.
Officials at the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners have restricted the physician's medical license, forbidding him from prescribing or administering anaesthetic agents, including Propofol - the drug which killed the King of Pop last summer (09).
Murray is still allowed to prescribe painkillers and anti-anxiety medications, reports TMZ.com.
The ban comes just days after representatives for California's Medical Board renewed a bid to prevent him from practicing medicine at all until his criminal trial, connected to Jackson's death, is concluded. He can no longer use or prescribe anaesthetics to patients in the state.
Murray pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter in February (10).
MICHAEL JACKSON's former doctor CONRAD MURRAY has been banned from prescribing anaesthetics in Nevada.
Officials at the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners have restricted the physician's medical license, forbidding him from prescribing or administering anaesthetic agents, including Propofol - the drug which killed the King of Pop last summer (09).
Murray is still allowed to prescribe painkillers and anti-anxiety medications, reports TMZ.com.
The ban comes just days after representatives for California's Medical Board renewed a bid to prevent him from practicing medicine at all until his criminal trial, connected to Jackson's death, is concluded. He can no longer use or prescribe anaesthetics to patients in the state.
Murray pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter in February (10).
andeli- Админ/Създател
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- Post n°49
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Michael Jackson Protest -- From Russia With Love
Michael Jackson fans as far away as Russia are organizing for a big protest outside the criminal courthouse in downtown L.A., where Dr. Conrad Murray will be making an appearance Monday.
Michael Jackson fans as far away as Russia are organizing for a big protest outside the criminal courthouse in downtown L.A., where Dr. Conrad Murray will be making an appearance Monday.
This poster (above) comes from fans in Russia. It will be among the many held up in indignation as Murray makes his way into the courthouse.
The group organizing the event -- Justice4MJ -- will be competing with Dr. Murray's supporters, who are planning a rally in Houston that could be 1,000 strong.
Conrad Murray -- Hands Off My MD License!
Dr. Conrad Murray is pissed that the California Attorney General is trying to take a second bite out of the apple medical license.
Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, filed legal docs today opposing the A.G.'s renewed attempt to suspend the doc's medical privileges while he awaits trial for the death of Michael Jackson.
A judge has already turned thumbs down to the request, but now the case is before a new judge and the A.G. has renewed the motion.
L.A. County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will set a trial date during a hearing on Monday ... and he'll probably hear arguments on Murray's license.
L.O.V.E. MJ- Moderator
- Брой мнения : 1038
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- Post n°50
Re: Започва се...
andeli написа:[center]Michael Jackson Protest -- From Russia With Love
Michael Jackson fans as far away as Russia are organizing for a big protest outside the criminal courthouse in downtown L.A., where Dr. Conrad Murray will be making an appearance Monday.
This poster (above) comes from fans in Russia. It will be among the many held up in indignation as Murray makes his way into the courthouse.
The group organizing the event -- Justice4MJ -- will be competing with Dr. Murray's supporters, who are planning a rally in Houston that could be 1,000 strong.
Този плакат го видях още на изслушването на 5 април и се запитах "какво правят руснаците, имаше и от други държави, а ние къде сме, българския флаг с нашите послания къде е, нима не можем да го направим, нима не искаме да окажем подкрепа на Майкъл..."