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Майкъл Джаксън!


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    Другите за него с думи

    L.O.V.E. MJ
    L.O.V.E. MJ

    Female Gemini Брой мнения : 1038
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    Писане by L.O.V.E. MJ Пет Юни 04, 2010 11:42 am

    Спомени за Майкъл Джаксън
    от главен готвач Лари

    Бях главен готвач на Дисниленд Хотел в Анахайм и именно там започнах да готвя за Майкъл Джаксън в края на 80-те години, в началото заедно с личния му готвач Mani Khalsa, който работеше в дома му, а след това продължих самостоятелно. По онова време тъкмо бях приет за член на U.S. Culinary Team, престижно постижение, което ми донесе три златни медала от Световната Кулинарна Олимпиада като първият филипинец в тази престижна група готвачи. Кой по-добре би готвил за Майкъл в неговия "втори дом" от един готвач с международни отличия? С Mani координирахме менютата и продуктите по факс (по онова време нямаше електронна поща) така че честите посещения на Майкъл се превърнаха в "моето бебе". Майкъл посети Дисниленд няколко пъти, когато беше на върха на славата си и аз бях благословен с възможността да готвя за "Краля на попа" всеки път, когато той ни гостуваше.
    Излишно е да споменавам, че неговото положение изискваше максимална сигурност и грижа. Много знаменитости наемат цял етаж, когато гостуват на хотела, но сътрудниците на Майкъл наемаха етажите под и над неговия. Планирането на всяко негово придвижване беше изумително. От предначертаването на резервен маршрут от и към апартамента му, през различни дегизировки до координацията на пълното обезпечаване с храната. Костваше невероятни усилия да доведеш и отведеш Майкъл в "Най-щастливото място на Земята".

    По онова време менюто на Майкъл беше предизвикателство в известен смисъл, тъй като той беше вегетарианец и ние следвахме строги правила в подготовката на ястията. Въпреки това аз с удоволствие му представих няколко блюда с филипинско влияние, сред които Okoy. Всичко трябваше да бъде съобразено с неговия режим. Много плодове, smoothies и пюрета, вегетариански ястия и сандвичи, както и неговите най-любими - енчилади с тофу и кашкавал в сос от зелени доматчета.

    Когато Майкъл беше в хотела, аз трябваше да се "разведа" с моята ежедневна работа, за да съм на негово разположение непрекъснато. Отделях специално място за складиране на продуктите, заделях настрана дори кухненско оборудване "само и единствено за храната на Майкъл". Готвех в основната ни кухня, както и в апартамента му, което ми даде възможност да надникна в личния му живот, дотолкова, доколкото можем да го наречем така, с много сътрудници и асистенти наоколо.

    Подготвях вечерите в апаратмента му, Майкъл надничаше в кухнята, коментираше и дори дегустираше храната, "колко хубаво ухае и изглежда", отбелязваше той със задоволство. Тогава създадох първите си впечатления, колко мил, нежен и внимателен беше, никога не го видях да изисква, нито забелязах да е самовлюбен. Имах повод, който затвърди тези ми впечатления. Една вечер Майкъл влезе в кухнята, нежно ме хвана за ръката и каза: "Ще дойдеш и ще седнеш с нас на масата". Напълно изненадан и неподготвен за вниманието и щедрия жест в началото отказах, но Майкъл настоя и не след дълго вече седях срамежливо на края на трапезата, побутвайки храната в чинията си, докато наблюдавах Кралят на попа да вечеря.

    След като готвих за Майкъл многократно, семейството ми ме помоли да се снимам с него за спомен. Никога не съм бил търсач на автографи, не исках да се изтъпаня пред него и да го моля да ми разпише снимка. Накрая се предадох, осъзнавайки, че трябва да го направя, трябва да запазя спомен от това време. И така, по време на едно от посещенията му, добих смелост и влязох в неговия апартамент с фотоапарат в джоба. Постоянно го вадех, когато виждах, че имам възможност за снимка. Знаех, че Майкъл скоро ще си тръгне и че това е моят шанс, иначе трябваше да чакам да ни посети отново. Той ме срещна в коридора. видя че се суетя и като доказателство за това колко мил беше ме освободи от напрежението с думите: "Хайде да се снимаме!", подавайки апарата на един от асистентите.

    Огромният звезден имидж на Майкъл беше създаден по необходимост. Той трябваше да има много асистенти и сътрудници, тъй като това се очакваше от него, но аз чувствах, че имиджът се нуждаеше от всичко това, не Майкъл като личност. Един пример, с който ще подкрепя думите си, е когато забравих сладоледа на Майкъл. След усилено и щателно търсене по-късно го намерихме напълно разтопен. Неохотно съобщих на помощниците му, това беше неговият десерт за вечерта. Един от тях тихо ми каза: "Сладоледът не е проблем, но можем ли да използваме вашата хеликоптерна площадка, понеже ще доставим най-любимият му сладолед за десерт тази вечер." Това е обслужването, което исизкват мега-звездите, но си мисля, че Майкъл веднага би се съгласил на плодова салата или друг вид десерт ако знаеше какви усилия се полагат за да получи сладолед след вечеря.

    След като научих за неговата кончина, моята първа реакция беше състояние на шок и просто не повярвах. След като потвържденията заваляха се улових как мисля, че "Най-Големият Артист на Земята" ни е напуснал. Телевизиите излъчваха непрекъснато негови изпълнения. И докато слушах неговия нежен глас, буца заседна в гърлото ми се разплаках.

    Майкъл Джаксън, "Най-Добрият На Света", за зла участ беше затворник на собствената си слава. И по тази причина водеше противоречив и бурен живот, заради което мнозина спекулираха и правеха догатки. Тези впечатления често за основани на това кой какво е чул и видял, но рядко на истинно знание. За мен, аз видях Майкъл като мил, нежен и смирен човек, това е той от първа ръка и такъв ще го запомня.

    Оригиналът: http://www.bakitwhy.com/memories-michael-jackson-chef-larry
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    Писане by for all time Съб Юни 05, 2010 10:36 am

    Brett Ratner on Michael Jackson : 'You felt like God was within him'

    By Patrick Goldstein From the LA times:

    My father loves to brag to his friends that while his son is a big-shot Hollywood reporter, it was his father who actually met Michael Jackson. Until he retired a few years ago, my dad had a store called the 24 Collection on the Lincoln Road Mall in Miami Beach that specialized in fashion, jewelry, art and one-of-a-kind oddities (I still have a clock set into a Cuban cigar box with a portrait of Fidel Castro on the clock face). One day Brett Ratner, who grew up in Miami and whose mother was a regular customer at the store, called my dad and asked if he could bring his pal Michael Jackson by to look around. As he often did as a courtesy for celebrities who might be annoyed or hounded, my father closed the store that afternoon and put the staff at Jackson's disposal.

    "Michael walked around every inch of the store, feeling things, smelling things," my father remembers. "He'd ask questions about what this was or that was, where it was from, how we found it. I made sure the staff didn't intrude on him, although one person did ask for an autograph, which made them an ex-employee right away. But Michael was just off in his own world, curious about everything he saw."

    I think my dad got his hopes up when he saw that Jackson was also accompanied by an aide who had a zippered envelope full of cash. But the King of Pop never bought anything. After spending an hour in the store, he just thanked everyone for letting him look around and left.

    I called Ratner this morning to ask him how he became such fast friends with Jackson. It turns out that they met in 1998 when Ratner was finishing his first "Rush Hour" picture. One day, Chris Tucker was doing a scene and broke into a wild, Michael Jackson-style dance. The sequence was so funny that when Ratner had test screenings of the film, it got one of the biggest laughs in the picture. But because it was an obvious Jackson impression, Ratner knew he had to clear it with the pop star before he could put it in the movie.

    That presented a problem, since Jackson was so reclusive that even Ratner, one of the great celebrity schmoozers of our time, couldn't get to him. He even called Jackson's Neverland ranch but never got anywhere. Then he got lucky. "My editor was talking to the projectionist who ran the final screening and it turned out that he was Michael's personal projectionist," Ratner told me today. "So I gave him the print and asked him to play the beginning of the second reel for Michael, which had Chris' dance in it."

    Two days later Ratner picked up the phone and heard the soft, feathery voice of Michael Jackson. So what did Michael say? Keep reading.

    "Michael said he'd watched the whole movie and loved it, especially the scene Chris did with his dance. He said, 'You have my permission to use whatever you want.' " That was great, but Ratner needed something in writing. When he asked Jackson to sign something on a piece of paper, Jackson simply invited him up to the ranch. "So I drove up there and walked in, with all his giraffes and other animals, all out there to greet me." Ratner recalls. "I ended up staying at the ranch and we just became great friends. We both had this huge, almost childlike fascination with movies and music and all kinds of entertainment."

    Over the years, Ratner and Jackson spent an enormous amount of time together. They would film each other, with Jackson asking Ratner about how he became a film director and Ratner asking Jackson about how he became an entertainer. "I have hours of footage of us, sitting around in our pajamas, with me asking him about what kind of music he loved as a kid, what kind of books he had on the wall as a kid. When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return."

    One of their favorite activities was to have dance-offs in the game room at Jackson's house. Jackson would put on a record, usually a song by his sister, Janet, and unleash some awesome dance moves. Then Ratner or Chris Tucker, who would sometimes come along, would play Michael's records and dance along to them. I asked Ratner if that felt a little like a mere mortal playing one-on-one with LeBron James. "Hey, I wasn't self-conscious. I'm a pretty good dancer. It was just fun to do it together."

    When they weren't dancing, Ratner and Jackson would watch movies together. He says they must've watched the original version of "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" 50 times over the years. "I know that people looked at Michael and thought he was strange, but to me, he was fascinating," Ratner says. "He was the most inspirational person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world. And when I'd say, 'Isn't that impossible?' Michael would just start to cry. He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you'd have to say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn't so innocent anymore."

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    Писане by andeli Нед Юни 06, 2010 1:47 am

    Kriyss Grant, първият танцьор, избран от Майкъл Джаксън за турнето му “This Is It” споделя какво е усещането да работиш с Краля на Попа.

    За влиянието на Джаксън върху него: “На практика израснах с Майкъл Джаксън. Баба ми ми купи ‘Moonwalker,’ [филмът от 1988, който показва – освен всичко останало – Джаксън по време на концерт] и аз го гледах всеки ден. ... Исках да бъда точно като него. Танцувах при всяка възможност. Ако имаше парти, семейна сбирка, каквото и да било, танцувах и забавлявах всички присъстващи.

    За прослушването си: “Страхувах се. Не съм се надявал, че ще ме изберат. Но все пак отидох ... Беше тридневно прослушване. Хиляди танцьори [4,000]. Майкъл дойде на третия ден. ...Никога не бях ходил на турне. Бях най-новият танцьор от Флорида. Всички останали бяха от L.A. и бяха работили като танцьори за други изпълнители и това фигурираше в резюмето им (C.V.). В моето C.V. имах само [MTV’s] ‘Making the Band’.

    “Ако Майкъл не беше там, не мисля, че щях да бъда избран. ... Майкъл ме видя, забеляза чувството, което излъчвах. Видях го да скача от мястото си, докато танцувах, но не знаех на какво точно реагира. По-късно ми казаха, че е реагирал така на моето изпълнение, че е видял себе си в мен.”

    За първата му среща с него: “Когато слязохме от сцената, за да се срещнем с него, той изглеждаше като статуята от албума си ‘History’. Облечен целият в черно, с очила. А ръцете му бяха големи и силни; цялата ми длан се побра в неговата ... Каза ми, че съм невероятен. ... Аз просто стоях и го гледах като вцепенен. Мисля, че му казах колко е страхотен. Не помня.”

    За неговата индивидуалност (характер) и енергия: “Майкъл беше такъв тип човек, който просто те поглежда и веднага разбира, просто ей така, всичко за теб ... Казваше такива неща, все едно те познава добре. Веднага усети, че се притеснявам. Казваше ми да пестя енергията си за голямата публика. Винаги позитивен, но сякаш всичките му коментари бяха скроени конкретно за всеки от нас, (не като клише).

    “Имаше моменти, в които усещах енергията на музиката, неговата енергия, и влагах в танца всичко от себе си. Той спираше и ме поглеждаше. Мислех си, че може би се престаравам твърде много. Но той поклащаше глава и се усмихваше, сякаш всичко, което правех, беше хубаво.”

    “Беше много топъл човек. Никога не съм усещал нещо подобно. Бях толкова щастлив. Енергията му беше несравнима.”

    За репетициите: “Майкъл идваше от време на време в началото ... Но започна да репетира с нас едва когато се преместихме в Staples Center. Беше убийствено добър, даваше всичко от себе си, правеше всичко – страничното плъзгане, всичко – подлудяваше ни. ... Веднага щом чуеше музиката и започваше да танцува просто убийствено. Ние, танцьорите, се споглеждахме, все едно безмълвно се питахме – „Ама какво прави той, иска да ни натрие носовете ли?” ... Той все още го умееше. Доказа го. ... Но беше нервен/притеснен. Беше на 50 и отдавна не беше танцувал по този начин. Трябваше да припомни на тялото си всички онези негови движения. Мисля, че се страхуваше; не можеше да си позволи да излезе на сцената и да изглежда крехък/уязвим в нашите очи.

    Последната репетиция: „Беше онзи Майкъл, който помним от миналото. Общуваше с нас, даваше ни съвети, правеше промени. В началото оставяше другите да движат нещата. Но после започна да се държи така, все едно казваше „Това е моето шоу. Ще го направим така, както аз искам да бъде”. Това ме изпълваше с възторг. Това беше нещо, което винаги съм искал да видя. Мисля, че в началото се възползваха от него, защото вече беше по-възрастен ... Личеше си, че иска да каже нещо, но не го казва, премълчава си. Но в онзи последен ден той взе контрола над нещата в свои ръце. Знаеше какво иска. Всички танцьори си казвахме „Чудесно, (най-после) говори открито, без да премълчава”. Всички танцьори подкрепяхме Майкъл.”

    Денят на смъртта му: “Не знаехме какво да правим, какво да кажем, къде да отидем. Това е онова усещане, когато най-после стигаш там, накъдето винаги си вървял – най-после постигаш мечтата си – и точно преди да се протегнеш да я уловиш, някой я издърпва от теб, като примамка. Докоснах я (мечтата си), но случи ли ми се наистина всичко това? Имам спомени, но нямаше време да изживея този момент пълноценно, да усетя вибрацията, тръпката. Всичко се случваше толкова бързо, бързо, бързо по време на репетиции ... и после всичко това ни беше внезапно отнето.

    “Все още не съм успял да го осъзная. Знам, че бях част от това. Знам, че е нещо неповторимо да бъдеш танцьор от несъстоялото се турне ‘This Is It’ на Майкъл Джаксън. ... Но не мисля, че някога ще успея да го осъзная напълно”.


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    Писане by for all time Вто Юни 08, 2010 10:23 pm

    Nancy Griffin on the Making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller
    by Adrienne Gaffney
    June 8, 2010, 12:01 AM
    thriller.jpgPhotos excerpted from Michael Jackson: the Making of “Thriller”/Four Days/1983, by Douglas Kirkland, to be published in November by Filipacchi. ©️ 2010 Douglas Kirkland.
    When Michael Jackson died one year ago this June 25, his loss generated a tidal wave of mourning and nostalgia. Journalist Nancy Griffin had tangible memories to cling to, having been present on set for the filming of Jackson’s iconic “Thriller” video. Observing Jackson firsthand at the peak of his career, and then going back to interview his key aides and collaborators, Griffin, in “The ‘Thriller’ Diaries” reflects on a man for whom all the talent in the world couldn’t stave off crippling insecurities and loneliness. Griffin speaks with director John Landis, record executives, Jackson’s co-star Ola Ray, choreographers, and others to illuminate the process of how the star created something totally revolutionary. On the backs of the record-setting LP of the same name, “Thriller” set a new standard for the infant medium of music videos with its unprecedented length, its unheard-of budget, and its unparalleled wit and dancing. This achievement came at a time when Jackson had much to be proud of. As Griffin writes:

    “Thriller” marked the most incandescent moment in Jackson’s life, his apex creatively as well as commercially. He would spend the rest of his career trying to surpass it. “In the Off the Wall/Thriller era, Michael was in a constant state of becoming,” says Glen Brunman, then marketing director at Jackson’s record company Epic. “It was all about the music, until it also became about the sales and the awards, and something changed forever.”

    It was the “Thriller” video that pushed Jackson over the top, consolidating his position as the King of Pop, a royal title he encouraged.… The video’s frenzied reception, whipped up by round-the-clock showings on MTV, would more than double album sales, driving Thriller into the record books as the No. 1 LP of all time, a distinction it maintains today. But, for anyone paying close attention during the making of the “Thriller” video—and Jackson’s collaborators were—the outlines of subsequent tragedies were already painfully visible.

    Still living at home at the age of 25, Jackson’s problems with his family were painfully apparent during the shoot. Landis and other crew members witnessed the frequent clashes between father and son, which would become public knowledge in the coming years, when Jackson would publicly refer to Joe Jackson’s abuse.

    More than once Landis found himself caught up in the twisted dynamics of the Jackson family. One night when Joseph and Katherine Jackson visited the set, the director recalls, “Michael asked me to have Joe removed. He said, ‘Would you please ask my father to leave?’ So I go over to Mr. Jackson. ‘Mr. Jackson, I’m sorry, but can you please … ?’ ‘Who are you?’ ‘I’m John Landis. I’m directing this.’ ‘Well, I’m Joe Jackson. I do what I please, and I want to be here.’ I said, ‘I’ll have to ask security to remove you if you don’t leave now.’” Landis had a policeman escort Joe Jackson off the set.

    Distancing himself from his father was a theme in Michael Jackson’s life. He had to approve the reams of promotional materials that Epic generated to support “Thriller,” and one day he called the record label’s art department and asked an art director if she could retouch his nose on a famous photo of him as a child. “I want you to slim the wings of my nose,” Jackson told her. “O.K., but why, Michael?” she asked, and tried to reassure him that his face looked fine just the way it was. “I don’t want to look like my father,” Jackson replied. “Every time I look at that photograph I think I look like my father.”

    Despite his unfathomable wealth and legions of rabid fans, both male and female, Jackson lived a very quiet and solitary life — neither a typical rockstar’s life nor that of an ordinary 25-year-old man.

    Jackson also reveled in the company of children at Hayvenhurst, which was like a warm-up for Neverland, a kids’ paradise, which he loved sharing. He had struck up a friendship with the four-foot-three-inch television star Emmanuel Lewis, 12, with whom he would invent games and roll around on the grass, laughing. When George Folsey’s son, Ryan, 13, accompanied his father to meetings at the Jackson home, Michael behaved like a kid who was bored hanging out with the adults, jumping up to show Ryan around. They would feed the llamas, play the video game Frogger, and drive toy Model T’s around the grounds. “Michael was 25, but I’d say that he was 13,” says Ryan. “Mentally, he was 12 to 15 years behind. He could relate to me because he was my age.”

    Jackson’s collaborators also gained some insight into his complicated sexuality. At one point, the singer told Landis he was still a virgin. Others noticed a child-like naïveté about sex:

    Vince Paterson, who helped with the choreography in “Thriller,” says that Jackson would ask him startlingly ignorant questions about sex—“simple, biological, stupid 12-year-old questions.” He adds, “I never saw Michael as a sexual creature. He was always sort of asexual to me—some people are like that. I never had one vibe, as dynamic and electric and powerful as he was. He was like nobody I had ever met in my life. On the one hand he was so socially retarded, and on the other hand he was a creative genius.”

    Perhaps no one understood this better than Ola Ray, who depicts her flirtation with Jackson as being characterized by his fragility.

    “I won’t say that I’ve seen him in his birthday suit but close enough,” she says, laughing. Because he was shy, she tried not to scare him by coming on too strong. “What we had was such like a little kindergarten thing going on. I thought it was important for him to be around someone who would make him feel comfortable and that was my main objective.”

    Griffin paints a portrait of Jackson that could come only from those who knew him—honest and revelatory with sympathy. To read the whole story, pick up a copy of the July 2010 issue of Vanity Fair.
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    Писане by for all time Съб Юни 19, 2010 2:44 pm

    Soundcheck: Michael Jackson

    By T Cole Rachel 06/26/2009 09:42 AM

    I would normally never feel obligated—or even qualified—to weigh in on the death of a celebrity. Still, I feel compelled to say something about the passing of Michael Jackson. Writing about anything else this week would just seem obscene, especially considering what a huge impact Michael Jackson had on my experience as a music listener.

    Like a gazillion other kids I came of age at the time when Thriller was basically just beginning to blow minds on a global level. I was in elementary school at the time and I remember demanding to be taken to our local Wal-Mart (the only place near the farm where I grew up that you could actually buy music) so that I could by a copy of the album. It was the first time that I actually went to a store specifically because I needed to have a record immediately and it was the first album I ever owned that I became literally obsessed with. Seriously, I loved Thriller so much that I was actually preoccupied with thinking about it. I remember laying on my bed and listening to the album over and over while staring at the inside photo of Michael holding the baby tiger. What kind of magic person gets to lay around while wearing beautiful white suits and pet baby tigers? Michael Jackson, that's who. I tried to memorize his dance moves. I listened to "Thriller" at night with the lights turned off because the Vincent Price voiceover scared me... but I liked it. I bought the 45 singles for every one of his songs just so I could display them around my room.

    This all-consuming love quickly led to a Michael Jackson jacket (a red vinyl number covered in zippers, a birthday gift from my dad) and the predictable sequined glove (homemade by my mom), which were bold things to wear to school when you lived in a tiny farm town in rural Oklahoma. I had Michael Jackson pencils, posters, folders, and T-shirts. (I even had a red and white checkered half-shirt that said "THRILLER" in puffy iron-on letters. I wore the shit out of it). I had a Michael Jackson microphone that, when held in proximity to an AM radio, could be sung through so that you could actually hear your own voice on the radio. I imagined that Michael Jackson had somehow invented this miracle of technology himself, which only made me love him more. (I would seriously give my right arm to still have that microphone.)

    Thriller was the first album that I remember feeling actually changed my life in some way and my feelings towards it never swayed. Even as I got older and my obsessive musical loves moved in a darker and more teen-angsty direction (namely The Cure, The Smiths, Cocteau Twins), I always held a special place in my heart for MJ. I saw Moonwalker by myself in a movie theater. I continued to buy his albums even after I'd become sullen and gothy and it was no longer considered cool for someone like me to do so.

    In later years seeing Michael Jackson started to make me sad. I couldn't quite reconcile the person he become with the person that I had loved so intensely in the third grade. He seemed a person done in by his own fame, by the fawning love and expectations of a gazillion obsessive fans like my childhood self. Despite being arguably the most famous person in the world, I find it fascinating (and deeply tragic) that he died also remaining the most mysterious. We might never know what was going on in Michael Jackson's private world—what good or bad things he really did or didn't do, or why he felt compelled to so drastically remake his own appearance—but it hardly matters. I think about it sometimes whenever I'm asked to play records at a party or a bar. Every DJ in the world knows that when people aren't dancing or having a good time, the one thing that never fails is to put on a Michael Jackson song. His music is one of the few things that everyone knows and almost everyone you know unconditionally loves.

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    Писане by andeli Вто Юни 22, 2010 12:29 pm


    R.J. Legend has it that Michael had both written and produced a track called “Neverland Landing”. Do you know anything about that?

    Gloria "It’s quite possible he did although I never heard it. Michael had many different types of “landings” at Neverland. Once he arrived in a hot air balloon. Another time he and his friends parachuted into Neverland! I also saw him jump from the roof into a tree.My heart almost left my body and I told him it was very very dangerous. I told his father of his antics and he said 'Don’t be surprised at anything Michael does. He is as agile as a monkey. Michael knows how to take care of himself.' I decided to say no more."
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    Писане by for all time Чет Юни 24, 2010 1:58 pm

    Heroes stand side by side on the battlefields of war serving proudly to
    preserve our liberty and civil rights, and we honor them with the
    recognition they deserve. However, in everyday walks of life we see
    very few heroes. But we can think of two...and one of those heroes is

    As we face the painful one-year anniversary of the passing of our beloved Michael Jackson,
    the impact of his death continues to be intensely felt by fans around
    the world, as seen by the names that accompany this letter. We
    represent only a handful of the thousands who have come together to
    share our love and respect for Michael's genius, artistry and
    humanitarian greatness - and to share our grief.

    It was love that ruled Michael's heart and a desire to help others that
    drove his passion for living. Michael was a silent hero, who did so
    much to improve the human condition, yet never sought recognition or
    glory. His unsurpassed humanitarian efforts were seldom covered by the
    media. For every charitable deed the press "reluctantly" reported,
    Michael performed hundreds of private individual acts of kindness and
    generosity for people around the world. He was a true hero - one who
    did great things when no one was looking. Sadly, it is only after his
    death that many are discovering what an incredibly gentle, giving and
    compassionate man Michael was.

    Mr. Mesereau, to Michael's fans...you are also one such hero. So many
    disturbing questions remain about Michael's death, along with painful
    reminders of his last days that many of us are still barely able to
    hold it together. The loss of his life is felt as strongly as for one
    of our own. He is gone now, yet the mainstream media continue their
    tradition of treating Michael's death with the same ridicule he faced
    in life, proving once again that there are no heroes in journalism.

    Having said that, we wanted to mark this painful anniversary with
    something positive. And what better way than to express our heartfelt
    appreciation for your magnificent skills in representing Michael in
    2005. Amidst the corruption, extortion and media bias that preyed on
    Michael, for no other purpose than to witness the fall of a great man
    played out on the world stage, you emerged as the beacon of sanity,
    integrity and truth. In a defining moment of frightening proportions,
    you were a Godsend for our precious Michael at a time when he had
    reached the lowest point in his life.

    Had it not been for your tireless research, belief in his innocence,
    and your commitment to defending Michael with every fiber of your
    conscience, we know the outcome could have been very different. Another
    attorney concerned with his own rising star might have played to the
    media, shortchanging Michael of the legal attention he deserved. We
    dare not think about what might have been had you not taken his case,
    as it is too agonizing to imagine Michael being incarcerated for a
    crime he did not commit!

    Mr. Mesereau, Michael Jackson's acquittal was every bit your victory as
    well as his. You were relentless in your commitment, not only to defend
    Michael enough to create reasonable doubt, but to prove to the world he
    was innocent! It takes a very special dedication and conviction to have
    gone the full course, and in doing so you stood out as a true defender
    of not only Michael, but of justice. You displayed impeccable skill,
    ethics - and a quiet dignity not often seen in high profile media
    cases. Just as Michael represented the best that humanity had to offer,
    you set the gold standard for what anyone entering the legal profession
    can and should aspire to.

    Reflecting today on the aftermath of such a victory must be painfully
    bittersweet for you, as it is for us. For we must now acknowledge the
    final tragedy of knowing Michael would only live another four years.
    Having heard your statements that followed the trial and Michael's
    death, we know his passing has left its mark on your heart. On this
    first anniversary without him, we miss his goodness and gentle soul
    more than words can say. But, at a time when it appeared that all hope
    was lost, we thank you for giving Michael back his life, for returning
    a father to his children, and for giving his fans and the world a
    joyful and just day to remember on June 13th, 2005. But most of all,
    thank you for being the "silent" hero Michael needed in his darkest
    hour. We will never forget what you did for him.

    With Deepest Love and Gratitude


    * A limited liabili!y parrnership including professional corporations.

    SUITE 220
    LOS ANGELES, CA 90025
    Tel: (310) 789-1177
    Fax: (310) 861-1007
    Website: www.mesereauyu.com

    June 22, 2010

    Dear Micheline:

    I am very grateful and deeply honored to have received your Letter of Appreciation.

    My gratitude goes to you and all of the "Friends of Michael Jackson,"
    who created a sensitive, meaningful statement about my role in the
    defense and subsequent treatment of Michael. I can't thank you enough.

    As you all know, Michael Jackson was a towering genius, unique artist
    and loving individual. He had a sensitive, quiet soul that lived to
    create. He also did his best to propagate a unique message of love and

    Unfortunately, the world he populated is one characterized by enormous
    greed, violence and cruelty. In his life, the curse of jealousy and
    avarice seemed to constantly circle around him. His constant battle
    with these ugly forces took its toll.

    Nevertheless, Michael emerged victorious. The most savage attacks in
    the media, the courtroom and in his personal life were not able to
    erase the deep, loving essence of his character, spirit and ambitions.
    He left the world a better place.

    Your letter caused me to reflect on that powerful experience in Santa
    Maria, California. Yes, the opposition was fierce. But, so were we! It
    often seemed as if every shallow trick was constantly being thrown at
    us to distract from the real issues and true facts.

    On the anniversary of Michael's passing, I have a suggestion. All of us
    should make a special effort to be kind to someone we might tend to
    overlook. I believe this is the best way to honor Michael Jackson.

    Please send my best to all of your friends and associates. You have touched me very deeply, and I appreciate it very much.


    (personal signature)



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    Писане by andeli Пон Юни 28, 2010 1:35 pm

    Remembering Michael

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    Karen Faye (L) and Michael Jackson

    He was the King of Pop. "Thriller," "Beat it," "Billie Jean," "Bad."

    He was her boss and her friend.

    For years, Karen Faye's hands had delicately and expertly applied makeup to the face of arguably the greatest entertainer the world's ever seen. She was there for the early years, as he evolved into the world's biggest star. And she was there as his career declined. She watched him suffer through health problems and a drug dependency; watched him languish through criminal accusations and bankruptcy.

    And then he was gone. But one final time, she was there again, carefully placing makeup on his face while trying not to cry.

    Did he look peaceful?

    "How could he look peaceful?" Faye replied. "He had been through two autopsies – this is too difficult to talk about."

    Faye paused, smiled slightly as she recalled traveling to China with him in the ‘80s. There was the King of Pop, known for his sparkling white glove and flamboyant wardrobe, wearing a bamboo hat and standing in a beautiful rice field. He was relaxed and at peace, but it didn't last long. "A water buffalo had somehow sneaked up on him, and Michael screamed and ran," Faye said.

    That was during the Bad tour. They went to Hong Kong and secretly visited villages in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province in the mainland. Faye remembered the beauty of the villages and friendliness of the people.

    Faye said they intended to visit Beijing but bad weather prevented them from going. She said Michael always wanted to go to China.

    But the talk of sweet memories ended and moved to Jackson's final days. Faye mentioned how amazing Michael was while preparing for his London concerts, but things went wrong quickly.

    She was waiting for Jackson to arrive at the Staples Center for rehearsal when she heard TV reports in the cafeteria – the King was dead.

    It didn't become apparent until the week before he died that Jackson's condition might be dire. Faye said the energetic Michael Jackson seen in the documentary "This Is It," is the result of editing magic.

    "They edited it to make Michael appear strong and healthy, but did you notice how many outfits he's wearing during one song? It took three different rehearsal days to get one song filmed," Faye said.

    His condition so deteriorated that Faye began to doubt whether Jackson could physically perform an entire show.

    She gave several reasons why Jackson agreed to the London shows.

    "Michael told me he wanted his children to see, first hand, what their father did for a living," she said.

    He also wanted to do it for his fans. He wanted to see their smiles, their excitement – one more time.

    Faye said Jackson's message was "heal the world," and it was important for him. He felt we only had four years to correct things gone wrong in the world, Faye said.

    And finally among his reasons – he needed the money.

    Faye explained that Jackson didn't fully understand the legal contracts, and rarely read them completely. He relied on his lawyers, but she questioned their motives, doubted they worked in Jackson's best interests. She said they pushed him to go from 10 shows to 50, a grueling schedule even for a young man.

    Faye also believes there are serious questions concerning Jackson's final will, which was signed on July 7, 2002.

    "There are several things in the will that don't make sense to me. It states it was signed in Los Angeles, when in fact, I was in New York with Michael at the time. And all the children's names are incorrect," Faye said.

    But she said she could not do anything unless Jackson's family decides to. And even if the family challenged the will it would be an expensive and arduously long battle involving powerful people who control the music industry.

    Faye denies Jackson was a drug addict, but says he developed a dependency on prescription drugs approved by doctors, and he used them to sleep and escape from a painful life.

    "Conrad Murray is the man who gave the last lethal dose to Michael; society and money-hungry people have been killing him slowly for many years," Faye said.

    She also explained why the district attorney wouldn't upgrade the charge to second-degree murder or expand the list of suspects.

    "The fewer suspects brought into the case, the better chance for a conviction, so they targeted Murray and charged him with what they knew could win a guilty verdict," she said.

    Is there justice for Jackson?

    "The injustices have been done. We've lost our hero, a genius – the world's greatest entertainer," Faye said.

    What can society learn from all this?

    "People will do anything for money."

    Jackson wanted to sing at 2008 Olympics, spokeswoman says

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    "Michael wanted to come to China very much," said Raymone K. Bain, spokeswoman for Michael Jackson.

    "He loved Chinese fans. He even submitted an application to sing at the Beijing Olympics, but the Olympic committee said they would consider it and never got back to us."

    Bain worked for Jackson from 2003 to 2005, during his child molestation trial, and then became his manager in 2006. Before that, Bain also represented many big names such as Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Babyface, Boyz II Men, Serena Williams and Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington, D.C.

    She refinanced Jackson's debt, managed his career during a tough time in his life and helped him deal with a series of lawsuits.

    Bain started discussions with AEG Live – the company that runs many of the biggest concerts in the U.S. – about Jackson's comeback concert. She also organized an all-star charity project, I Have This Dream, but this has not been successful.

    In 2007 Jackson fired Bain, and she filed lawsuit against him in May 2009 asking for her share, just one month before the King of Pop died.

    But Bain only has the fondest memories and admiration for Jackson, despite the lawsuit, and she tried to help find justice for him.

    "We hope fans can join together to persuade the district attorney to change the involuntary manslaughter charge to second degree murder," Bain said. She said she believes that Jackson was murdered.

    "I knew it was murder from the day one," Bain said.

    "The doctor use anesthetics to treat his insomnia, and Propofol should only be used in hospital where the patient can be monitored by experts and equipment," she said. "The doctor didn't tell the paramedics what he administered into Jackson's body; he was hiding something."

    "The doctor should be put behind bars for very long time," she added.

    When asked about Jackson's huge debt, Bain explained that it was caused by the high interest rates. But she said Jackson's estate was worth $3 billion, so by comparison the $300 million is nothing to worry about.

    "He had some cash flow problems, but he was never broke," Bain said.

    Bain said much about Jackson's legacy and the lost songs. "He told me that he wrote thousands of songs for his children, who will be taken care of for the rest of their life," she said.

    Bain listened to Jackson's last new songs, and arranged several popular producers and songwriters, like Akon and Will.i.am, to collaborate with Jackson. "Michael let me hear his new songs in Ireland and Las Vegas," she said. "They are great songs – brilliant. Michael is a genius."

    Despite the fact that Jackson continued to write, Bain only managed to help him release an album for the 25th anniversary of Thriller, instead of a new album. "Michael couldn't get a satisfying contract at that time," she said.

    But now he has. Sony Music signed a 250 million recording deal with Jackson estate in March. Sony will release 10 projects over the next 7 years, including an album of new songs set to be released in November.

    "We have many plans," she said. "We would like to do a world tour after the London concerts. Michael always wanted to do movies, and he wanted to do a 3-D CGI feature animation. He had many brilliant ideas."

    Bain said she never saw Jackson use drugs, and when she finished watching Jackson in his movie, This Is It, she couldn't help but shake her head.

    "Michael should be with us now," she said. "He should not be dead.

    "I still cannot believe we lost Michael forever. And I miss him very much."

    Samantha de Gosson: pressure led to Michael's death

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    Samantha de Gosson, a Los Angeles photographer, was a loyal fan of Michael Jackson for about 20 years.

    She saw him for the first time in 1992 when she was 17 years old. She first met him in 2003 in Las Vegas. She said he looked more beautiful in person and she savored everything about the moment from the strength of his hands to his smell. To de Gosson, he was more than an entertainer; he was an inspiration.

    He motivated her to quit smoking in 2004, she said. She started again the day he died.

    Still smoke-free on June 24, 2009, de Gosson said she and two other fans saw Jackson dance and sing at the Staples Center in Los Angeles the night before he died.

    "Me and two other followers were waiting when we noticed a section that was open," de Gosson said. "His voice was amazing but his clothes were obviously too big for him. That part is not in the actual 'This Is It' movie. "

    Financial issues due to lawsuits, bad management and people stealing from him forced Jackson to hold the concerts, de Gosson said. When the 50-show tour was announced, de gosson said she was shocked.

    "He still was rich with a lot of assets, but no immediate cash," de Gosson said. "I believe the pressure had a lot to do with Michael's death. They stressed him to the point where it was easy to take him out."

    After the tour was announced, de Gosson said she could see Jackson's health and spirits degrading.

    "We wrote to him about our concerns, our fears and that he should stop right now and forget the concerts," de Gosson said. "[We wrote] that we didn't need that from him, that he had already proved himself to us and that him staying alive meant more to us than any show."

    She last saw Jackson the day he died. He left the Staples Center in Los Angeles at 1 a.m. after finishing rehearsal.

    "He put his window down and leaned all the way out and waved and smiled," de Gosson said. "That behavior was so different from the last few days where he didn't look happy or well. I don't know what was different about that very last moment. Maybe a sign, our last goodbye."
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    Писане by for all time Пон Юни 28, 2010 8:22 pm

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    It was the most private of times for the most public of people. Michael Jackson's family had his body taken to the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles , the final resting place of so many of Hollywood's elite.
    King of Pop talks with stylist Karen Faye about pinning hair for video shoot.

    To prepare Jackson for his final farewell, his family had turned to the three people who'd been dressing the star and making him up for more than a quarter century -- Dennis Tompkins, Michael Bush and Karen Faye.

    "Nobody else could have [done it]," said Faye of the honor to make up her friend one last time. "I knew how he wanted to look. So I did it for his children."

    Watch the full two-hour special "Michael Jackson: After Life" tonight on "20/20" at 9 p.m. ET

    Stylists Tompkins and Bush designed brand new clothes for Jackson, incorporating elements from the King of Pop's favorite looks throughout his career. Tompkins, who created the majority of Jackson's most memorable outfits, described his stage attire as "Liberace gone to war."

    Notably absent from Jackson's funeral attire, though, was his most iconic accessory -- that legendary single white sequin glove.

    "To Michael, the glove was Billie Jean," said Bush. "That represented that song. That's not Michael Jackson."

    These are people who knew the man behind the music; knew him stripped of the artifice he so cleverly showed the world. Private and never-before-seen images which ABC News paid to license from the three friends' personal collections provide snapshots of the global superstar's most unguarded moments.

    Showman to the End

    But at the time of his death, Jackson's inner circle was determined that the King of Pop would exit this earth as the world knew him: a showman.

    For nine hours, Faye and Bush fought back their own grief and the overwhelming smell of formaldehyde to prepare Jackson for his final curtain call. After dressing him, Bush even helped to lift and place the body in the coffin.

    "The work me and Karen did with Michael at Forest Lawn, that bonded us for life," said Bush.

    In an exclusive interview for the "20/20" special "Michael Jackson: After Life," Tompkins, Bush and Faye talked with ABC's Cynthia McFadden about what it was like to work with the star -- and addressed persistent rumors that followed Jackson about his sexual orientation, his plastic surgery and his reported drug abuse. The interview marks the first time the trio has spoken publicly about their friend.

    Karen Faye met Michael Jackson in 1982, when she was hired to do his hair and make-up for the "Thriller" album cover.

    "He walked in; he was very shy but was very gracious," Faye remembered. "Everything was 'please' and 'thank you.'"

    Faye said she was not at all intimidated by his fame. For example, when she saw that Jackson had with him a baby tiger, she flashed her tiger-print underwear.

    "He went 'Ah!'" Faye said while demonstrating how he covered his face. "He was just so embarrassed by that. But I think that's why he called me back the next job. He liked people who have a sense of humor."

    Michael Jackson Stylist Friends Comment on Rumors

    The conventional wisdom is that Jackson began taking painkillers after his hair caught fire during the taping of a 1984 Pepsi commercial. Faye maintained that wasn't the case. She said the musician's use of prescription drugs began in 1993 -- almost ten years after now-infamous commercial.

    "Just before we went on tour for "Dangerous," he had an operation, in order to help the scarring. But he didn't have enough time to heal," said Faye. "So in order to keep going, he started using painkillers, because it is very painful when nerve endings are severed."

    Faye said she has no idea what drugs Jackson was taking.

    Sexual Abuse Rumors

    Bush and Faye were with the star in Bangkok when Jackson's world exploded: California authorities announced they were investigating the singer for allegedly sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy.

    "The day that came out, he was stepping onstage in front of 80,000 people," recalled Bush.

    "It was devastating," said Faye, "because he had to go out every day in front of a world and the media that was [saying] he was pedophile."

    Faye said painkillers "gave [Jackson] the ability to get through" the combination of the emotional pain brought about by the allegations and his already existing physical pain.

    A few months after the allegations came to light, Jackson settled out of court with his accuser for a reported $20 million.

    Then, nearly a decade later, another boy came forward, also claiming that Jackson had sexually abused him. The boy was seen in a British documentary holding hands with the musician, and Jackson spoke of their sharing a bed. The remark fueled Jackson's prosecution.

    "He said the word 'bed,'" recalled Bush. "A lot of people think sexual, and that is the farthest thing from Michael's mind."

    Jackson's inner circle is adamant that the star was not a pedophile or homosexual, as many have speculated. According to his friends, Jackson constantly checked out the "hot girls" who appeared in his videos.

    Jackson was acquitted on all charges after a three-and-a-half month trial. The taint of the accusation, however, lingered. The trial on the second round of allegations was devastating for Jackson.

    Karen Faye and Michael Bush were at Neverland early every morning to get their friend and boss ready for court.

    "Before I washed his hair, we knelt down on the ground and [Jackson] put his arms around me and wept. We would pray for God to help us and for people to know the truth," said Faye, adding that situation was just "vicious" and tore Jackson up inside.

    Each day when he walked into the courtroom, running the gauntlet of cameras, he wore a new outfit designed by the stylists who became his friends -- a small morale booster.

    Michael Jackson: Plastic Surgery Rumors

    In his art, Michael Jackson played repeatedly with the idea of metamorphosis. Many of his music videos, including "Thriller," "Black or White" and "Remember the Time" feature him morphing into someone or something else.

    Nowhere was the theme more prominent than in the little-known mini-movie "Ghosts," in which Jackson becomes a middle-aged white man.

    As his makeup artist for more than 25 years, Karen Faye knew Jackson's face almost as well as he did. She said one thing is certain: Jackson had vitiligo, a skin condition producing white blotches.

    As for the eyeliner and lipstick Jackson preferred, Faye said: "He didn't like the line that was drawn between what's allowed for men and what's allowed for women."

    Faye acknowledged that Jackson had plastic surgery. "He was always trying to perfect everything," she said. Faye denied, however, rumors that the star had a prosthetic nose.

    "It was the tape that he used to wear on his nose to [help] keep it in form or else it would expand," she said. But she admitted that she personally thought Michael Jackson went a little too far with plastic surgery.

    'This Is It'

    Soon after Jackson announced his final tour, "This Is It," Faye received a call from him asking if she would team up with him once again.

    Faye says she sensed he was frightened of being judged again. He was still stung by the worldwide backlash against him.

    "Standing up in front of an audience, all that fear, all that doubt, all the cruelty people directed at him, he was afraid," said Faye. "He didn't want to go through that again."

    Faye said she was concerned that Jackson was too thin to do the show. As the clock ticked, the pressure mounted.

    The tour was going to be his first major appearance since the trial ended, and it would be the first time his children would him see perform on stage. The stage was his element, a place he had electrified countless times, dazzling millions, since hitting it big as child superstar in 1969.

    Faye, Bush and Tompkins couldn't comment on whether Jackson was taking any medications while preparing for the "This is It" tour, because the three anticipate being witnesses at the upcoming trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician. But they say they were all extremely concerned about the star's well-being.

    ABC News spoke to three of Jackson's dancers who said that, in the final rehearsal before he died, Jackson was "going all out." They said they were shocked by his death. As for Jackson's weight loss, the concert promoter, AEG, say they too were concerned about the star's weight, and had hired someone to monitor his eating.

    But Jackson was nowhere near ready, Faye and Bush still insist.

    According to Bush, Jackson was "bone-thin."

    "I feared he was physically unable to do the shows," Faye said.

    The Day the News Came

    On June 25 last year, Karen Faye was waiting for Jackson at the Staples Center to begin rehearsals when she got the news she dreaded -- Jackson had been rushed to the hospital.

    She then got a phone call from her boyfriend, who said he heard news reports that Jackson had suffered a heart attack.

    "So many things went through [my] mind," Faye said. "But because of my fears I knew it was probably true."

    According to Faye, the tour's director and choreographer, Kenny Ortega, instructed everyone to carry on as usual.
    But then the moment came.

    "I was headed back to my make-up room," said Faye, "and Kenny came out of his office and he put his arms around me and whispered, 'He's gone. We lost him.' And my knees just collapsed."

    Faye said she believes that if people paid attention, the world would still have its King of Pop, Michael Jackson. She said she takes solace in remembering all the great times she had with the star, and the laughter that first brought them together.

    Последната промяна е направена от for all time на Вто Юни 29, 2010 11:37 am; мнението е било променяно общо 3 пъти
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    Писане by smile Пон Юни 28, 2010 8:24 pm

    Writer Chaz Harris posted the following article in his blog, Over The Rainbow:

    Was Michael Jackson a Modern-Day Prophet


    "Седя си тук и ми е трудно да повярвам, че днес се навършва една година от преждевременната, трагична и неочаквана смърт на Майкъл Джаксън. Миналата година, когато бяха обявени лондонските концерти, накарах брат ми да грабне телефона още в деня, когато започна продажбата на билетите. Казах му да се опита да вземе билети за септември, вместо за първите юлски дати. И той успя.

    Бях много развълнуван, че ще се прибера у дома за концерта, защото винаги съм искал да видя Майкъл Джаксън на сцена, и дни наред просто не можех да проумея трагичната новина. Мисля си, че много хора са се надявали това да е някакъв мащабен рекламен трик във връзка с предстоящото турне, и са очаквали MJ да се появи отнякъде и да ни увери, че е добре ... но това така и не се случи.

    Каквото и да си мислите за него, не може да се отрече, че той беше – и вероятно завинаги ще остане – една от най-влиятелните фигури в шоубизнеса. Неговата популярност бе важна част от епохата след борбата за граждански права в САЩ и отвори пътя на много чернокожи изпълнители към големия пазар така, както никой друг изпълнител не е успявал. Освен това той притежаваше способността да владее сцената като никой друг – точно както го направи с изпълнението си на Superbowl, 1993.

    Спомням си, че дори по време на противоречивите съдебни процеси, съм приемал случващото се като дело на жадни за пари родители, които просто са решили да се възползват от неговата щедрост, защото той винаги е създавал впечатлението за човек с чиста душа, който вижда само най-доброто у хората. Този човек е израснал като дете-звезда и е пропуснал да изживее детството си, но аз не го виждам в образа на педофил, въпреки усилията да бъде вмъкнат в този профил. Тези съмнения бяха опровергани от безбройните коментари, които направиха негови приятели-знаменитости и хора от обкръжението му след смъртта му, включително Дона Съмър, която каза във връзка с обвиненията: „Не мога дори да си представя, че той (Майкъл) би наранил дете, ever. Лично аз смятам, че това е по-скоро опит да се възползват от него за лична изгода. Не знам дали е вярно или не. Аз просто ... просто смятам, че хората често го възприемаха като лесна/удобна мишена”.

    По време на пребиваването ми в UK бе обявено, че се работи по създаването на филм This is It. Признавам, че изпитвах леки съмнения и дори цинизъм относно онова, което ми предстоеше да видя. Но когато гледах филма още в нощта на премиерата, бях пометен и възхитен от откритието, че дори на 50 Джаксън все още притежава онова великолепие и сценично присъствие, което е имал и във върховия период на кариерата си. Сякаш времето бе спряло. Това несъмнено щеше да е един от най-зрелищните и грандиозни концерти, изнасяни някога.

    В DVD-то има цял раздел за различните сценични костюми и един от тях е оборудван с вградени светлини, които да изглеждат като разноцветни лъчи, движещи се по ръцете и краката. Този костюм е бил предназначен за изпълнението на Billie Jean. Това щеше да е епично изпълнение и докато гледах този филм, аз изпитах смесица от вълнение и тъга.

    За мен остава необясним следният факт – Майкъл Джаксън бе верен на своето послание за мир, любов, за спасяване на планетата за нашите деца и за децата на нашите деца. И в същото време той беше преследван, тормозен, неразбран и третиран като отхвърлен от обществото човек, и то от същите тези медии, които първоначално възхваляваха неговия забележителен гений. Защо хората се обръщат срещу тези, които се опитват да изпращат положителни послания към света? Да не би да подозираме, че те имат някакъв таен план?

    Ако вярвах в Бог, щях да кажа, че през последните десетилетия Джаксън най-много се доближаваше до образа на съвременен пророк. Неговите последователи и почитатели превъзхождат по численост тези на която и да било друга съвременна религиозна или обществена фигура, и той не спираше да разпространява своето послание за любов, мир, равноправие и изцеление. И в тази връзка аз определено вярвам в MJ и неговото послание, защото имам доказателство, че той беше истински, че такава личност действително съществуваше.

    Трагичните последствия от нефтените разливи, на които сме свидетели в момента, ни карат да се сещаме за страховитите картини oт Earth Song. Всеки път, когато Джаксън е говорел за бедствия, той сякаш е знаел, че предстои да се случи нещо лошо. Един цитат от This is It казва всичко: "Уважавам тайните и магията на природата. Именно затова се ядосвам толкова, когато виждам какво се случва по света: всяка секунда в джунглите на Амазонка се унищожава площ с размерите на футболно игрище. Тези неща наистина ме тревожат. Именно затова пиша такъв тип песни; тяхната цел е да накарат хората да се разтревожат, да се осъзнаят, да проумеят, че има надежда. Планетата ни е много болна. Ако не я излекуваме сега, съвсем скоро пораженията ще са необратими. Това е последната ни възможност да решим този проблем, в противен случай катастрофата е неминуема. ... Моментът настъпи. This is It. Трябва да започнем със себе си. Със САЩ. Иначе никога няма да успеем.”

    Думите на дъщеря му Парис, изречени на поклонението миналия юли бяха достатъчни да заличат всичките ми съмнения (ако изобщо е имало такива) относно неговата невинност: „Татко беше най-добрият баща, който изобщо можете да си представите”. Някои хора бяха против това, че на детето е било позволено да говори, но аз усетих, че тя беше искрена и имаше нужда да го направи. В крайна сметка Джаксън лиши баща си от наследство - заради предполагаемото насилие, което той е упражнявал над него в детството му, - защото е искал да бъде сигурен, че на неговите деца няма да им се наложи да изпитат нещо подобно. Защо има хора, които го смятат за виновен само защото статистиката предполага, че жертвите на насилие в детството си повтарят това поведение като възрастни? Нима няма изключения?

    Накрая ще завърша с трогателните последни думи на една от най-любимите ми песни на MJ, които донякъде звучат като брачен обет: „В най-тъмните ни часове, в най-дълбокото ми отчаяние, ще ме обичаш ли още? Ще бъдеш ли до мен? В моите изпитания и моите мъки. В несигурност и тревога. В моята ярост и моята необузданост. В моя страх и моите изповеди. В моите терзания и моята болка. В моята радост и моята скръб. С обещанието за едно ново утре. Аз никога няма да те изоставя. Защото ти си в сърцето ми завинаги.”

    Беше ли Майкъл Джаксън един съвременен пророк? Защо човечеството е склонно да напада или да се обръща против онези, които се опитват да разпространяват послания за любов, равенство и изцеление?

    R.I.P. Michael Jackson - The King of Pop"



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    Писане by for all time Сря Юни 30, 2010 9:57 am


    Aphrodite Jones Interview at the Invario studios

    И аз обичам всички истори около него и с удовоствие ги чета.

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    Писане by andeli Нед Юли 04, 2010 12:23 pm

    Former Jackson Bodyguard: 'Michael Was An Angel'

    Видеото наистина е много хубаво и на моменти емоционално. Вече започва да ми се иска някой да се появи и да каже:"Той беше лош човек. Беше зъл". Толкова много хора казаха, че е прекрасен, магичен, невероятен, ангел, че това прави загубата му още по- болезнена. Не съм сигурна, че искам да ги слушам повече.
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    Писане by smile Вто Юли 06, 2010 11:46 pm

    Interivew: Orianthi On Life After Michael Jackson

    I walk into the dressing room at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre in Toronto to meet with pop singer and guitar sensation Orianthi. With her blonde hair tied in pigtail braids under a hat, she stands up to greet me. Orianthi reaches out one hand to shake mine, and in the other hand she holds a stuffed animal chicken. Apparently I am the only one in the room who finds this peculiar.

    “I grew up with chickens and I want to have a chicken out on the road with me but I can’t,” she says, staring at the stuffed toy that now sits on the coffee table in front of her. “Everyone keeps giving me chickens, stuffed ones, so hopefully I’ll get a real rooster. That would be awesome. I’ve had chickens as pets since I was really young.”

    At this point everyone in the room is giggling, including Orianthi and I. She flashes a gorgeous smile that lets me know she does not take herself too seriously. And for someone who became instantly famous for being Michael Jackson’s main guitarist in This Is It, that is no easy feat.

    “A lot of people say that,” Orianthi says of the fact that even though she now has an established singing career of her own, she is still widely known as the girl who played guitar for Michael Jackson. “I don’t want to break away from that because I got to work with him for three months. … It was such an awesome time and I wish he was still around.”

    L.O.V.E. MJ
    L.O.V.E. MJ

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    Писане by L.O.V.E. MJ Чет Юли 08, 2010 3:05 pm



    "I don't know who you could really put next to him," said ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov, reached yesterday in Madrid. "To imitate somebody like Michael Jackson is impossible. Why bother? You just relax and admire."

    Jackson was a perfectionist, and could relate to other perfectionists. Baryshnikov got to know him through Elizabeth Taylor, who would "drag him to see me dance," Baryshnikov said, when he was at American Ballet Theatre and later when performing in the White Oak Dance Project, his modern-dance company. They would talk about ballet -- Jackson had a lot of questions, he recalled, "like a 12-year-old" -- and he would ask about working with choreographers. He told Baryshnikov that choreographers would suggest ideas to him, but that he created his own dances. What Baryshnikov remembers most about Jackson, he said, was "not even his turns or his grabbing his crotch. Just his simple, bouncy walk across the stage, that was what was most beautiful and arresting, swinging his hips, kicking his heel forward. That's to me what he is: that superior confidence in his body as a dancer. You wanted to say, 'Wow, this guy, what a cat; he can really move in his own way.' "


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    Писане by andeli Съб Юли 17, 2010 6:37 pm

    Miko Brando, son of actor Marlon Brando, has been friends with Michael Jackson for over 25 years...

    Michael was my idol. He’s been my father figure since my father died. It’s strange living without him. I will never be the same, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get over this loss. It’s like losing your companion, someone you always thought would be there. It’s just not right. He meant a lot to me. I feel like a different person than I was before Thursday. I feel numb — lost. He was a good friend for so many years. I treasure the time I spent with Michael. We’d go shopping together, go to Disneyland, take trips, spend time at Dad’s house. He’d just come over and set up camp at my dad’s house for a while. I enjoyed talking about music, eating together and having fun with Michael. We were just good friends, that’s the best way I can put it. He was always there for me when I needed him, and I’d like to think I was always there for him. I don’t really have a single memory of Michael that sticks out. It’s hard to do when you’ve been friends as long as we have. My best memories are of the time we spent talking, him hugging me, having good conversations, and making him laugh — I really enjoyed making him laugh. I could say some things — just a few words in his ear, and I could get a laugh out of him. And boy, did he have an infectious laugh. Above all, Michael was a very caring person. He had a lot of love in his heart. He cared about everybody, especially the people on the street. He wasn’t stuck up — he had no ego, and he tried to make time for everybody because he didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. If he thought he did something wrong, it would really bother him. He had more love than anyone I know. The Michael I saw everyday was one that loved his kids. They were his main focus. He was a very busy man, but he always made sure the kids were being looked after. What a lot of people may not realize about Michael, is how good a businessman he was. The tour he was planning is a perfect example. He was a perfectionist, and he knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. Everything regarding the tour had to be approved by Michael. Just because he hasn’t been on TV or out in public a lot recently, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t busy and active. A lot of people have speculated he was really stressed over the tour, but I don’t think he was. He went through the same routines he did for past tours. I’ve thought about whether there were any similarities between Michael and my dad, and I cannot think of a single one. You’ve heard opposites attract? I think that explains their friendship. They had absolutely nothing in common, but when you got them together, you couldn’t tear them apart. He loved my dad, and they spent many days together at Dad’s house and at Neverland. They were very close. Michael was instrumental helping my father through the last few years of his life. For that I will always be indebted to him. Dad had a hard time breathing in his final days, and he was on oxygen much of the time. He loved the outdoors, so Michael would invite him over to Neverland. Dad could name all the trees there, and the flowers, but being on oxygen it was hard for him to get around and see them all, it’s such a big place. So Michael got Dad a golf cart with a portable oxygen tank so he could go around and enjoy Neverland. They’d just drive around — Michael Jackson, Marlon Brando, with an oxygen tank in a golf cart. Some of the best times I spent with Michael were just sitting on a bench at Disneyland’s “Main Street.” We would just sit there and people watch. Sometimes Michael would be in a getup so people wouldn’t recognize him — but they always did. When he was in a bad mood or a little down, I’d just say “Michael, the bench,” and that would bring him out of it. If I knew he wanted to have fun, or just get away, I’d say “let’s go to the bench,” and we were gone. Of course, Michael Jackson in a public place like Disneyland was bound to draw crowds, and sometimes we would have park security with us. But they weren’t there to protect Michael, they were there to protect the crowds. He was never really concerned about himself, but that someone would get hurt in the crush of people that wanted to see him. People would just go crazy when they saw Michael Jackson. Michael rarely cried, but I think he’d be in tears over the reaction to his death. He’d be overwhelmed and happy that so much of the love he gave was returned by the people he loved. I think he’d take a deep breath and just say thank you. The family is still planning the funeral, but I think Michael would want it to be a celebration. He would want everybody there. He loved his fans. I’ve been around plenty of big movie stars, but Michael’s fans are beyond fans. He knew the fans were what made him, and he wouldn’t want to leave anyone out. Everywhere he went, fans would be there. He’d tell me the fans always knew what he was doing. I don’t think anyone has ever had fans like that. So Michael would want a funeral that included his fans and made them happy. He would want it to say: “I’m still with you and we’ll always be together.” He was happy, and he wanted to make everybody around him happy. Finally, he would want love. Above all, Michael was about love.

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    Писане by andeli Чет Юли 22, 2010 5:03 pm

    Akon (singer)
    He's incredible. He's a genius. Just to be in the same room [with him], I felt everything I wanted to accomplish in life has been achieved....That aura ... that's how incredible that aura is....The way he thinks....some artists think regional, some think national, I was thinking international. He thinks planets! It's on another level!"

    [Source: MTV News; January, 2008]

    Fred Astaire (dancer & actor)
    You are a hell of a mover. Man you really put them on their asses last night. You're an angry dancer. I'm the same way. I used to do the same thing with my cane...You're a hell of a mover!"

    [source: Moonwalk]

    David Arquette (actor)
    I remember when I first saw the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video. I couldn't believe that a guy would go out and put so much into a video, and the zombies and all that stuff. I believe it had a solo impact on my decision to be involved with the "Scream" movies. "

    [source: MTV; March 2000]

    Dallas Austin (songwriter, producer, worked on 'HIStory')
    Working with Michael is a different type of work. You're pressured timewise, but not by creativity or money. So you're left with mad freedom. You'd think he'd be very controlling, but if he likes you enough to work with you, he wants your expertise, not just another Michael Jackson record. "Heal the World" and "Stranger in Moscow" from the HIStory record are, like, the makeup of Michael. I think he's taken on the responsibility to make changes in the world. He's the only real superhero. Think about it."

    [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

    When God was giving out talent, He gave all of it to Michael Jackson.

    [Source: Wikiquote, 2007]

    Rick Baker (make-up effects; worked on Thriller video)
    Michael was great and very shy. I remember the first time John [Landis] came over to shoot us working on Michael's make-up for his behind-the-scenes stuff - which I wasn't too happy about and Michael wasn't too happy about - Michael was so nervous that, as soon as the cameras came in, he ran off and hid in the bathroom. So different to when he was performing - Thriller was happening during the making of the Motown Anniversary Special, when Michael first did the moonwalk, and one of the guys bought a tape of the show in and said, 'Watch this.' That was him, when he was performing; that was when he came alive.

    [Source: British Telegrph; November 2007]

    Jennifer Batten (guitarist on several MJ world tours)
    He completely changed my life, you know, I was doing the L.A. club scene, just trying to make ends meet and BAM - I'm on a paid vacation around the world having just the time of my life playing in the biggest band in the world. And yeah, I'll always feel an intense gratitude and love for him for that."

    [source: Entertainment Tonight; July 16, 1997]

    BoyzIIMen (R&B group)
    We share his concern for the children who have been innocent victims of war and, who have suffered because of the horrors of war, many of whom are without families, food or homes. We applaud Michael for his sensitivity and efforts."

    [source: Universal Records Press Release; July 1999]

    Brandy (singer)
    Michael Jackson, he is just like; he is the king of it all. Everything that everyone's doing now, he's already done. He's opened a lot of doors for a lot of artists today."

    [source: VH1's special '100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll'; May 1, 1998]

    Naomi Campbell (supermodel, appeared in 'In the Closet' video)
    Michael is very involved and on top of everything he puts his name on. He's shy and sweet, considering all he's accomplished, but he's a prankster. When I was doing the video, we had water pistol fights. He's a perfectionist.

    [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

    Mariah Carey (Singer)
    I think that he's amazingly talented. He's somebody that I grew up admiring enormously. Very gifted person.
    [Source: Larry King interview; December 2002]

    Stephen Colbert (actor, comedian)
    Michael Jackson is still the king of pop. He has not abdicated the throne, nor has he been usurped.
    [Source: Wikiquote; 2008]

    Harriette Cole (Creative Director, Ebony Magazine)
    What I loved the most about working with Michael Jackson is how kind he was to everyone. He was gracious to the elevator operator, the guard and the executives in the museum. He made sure to thank each person who was in ear shot when the shoot was over. He was generous and kind. Did some people feel intimidated by him? I don't know if that's the right word. More, I think some people were mesmerized. Some were pinching themselves wondering if they actually were in the presence of the King of Pop."

    [Source: Ebony Magazine; December, 2007]

    Paula Cole (singer, songwriter)
    Can we just give the poor guy a break? It's not funny anymore. The same trying-to-be-cool-sardonic-frustrated-novelist-music-critics still think it's amusing to bash him. Let's remember the amazing work he has given to this world.

    [Source: paulacole.com; October, 2002]

    Ice Cube (rap artist)
    [About the 'Thriller' video:] I was glued, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I would just sit there and wait days and days and days to see the "Thriller" video again. I couldn't wait to see it again from start to finish. "

    [source: MTV; March 2000]

    Macaulay Culkin (actor)
    In an interview published in the New York magazine (May7, 2001), actor Macaulay Culkin described Michael Jackson as among his very best friends in the world.

    "We had very similar experiences in childhood. We're both going to be 8 years old forever in some place because we never had a chance to be 8 when we actually were....Neverland is still the only place on earth where I feel absolutely, 100 percent comfortable."

    Craig David (R&B Singer)
    The first record I bought was 'Leave Me Alone' by Michael Jackson. I'm really a huge fan of his. I think I own all of his records. He's one of the reasons I'm here today. His music and artistry had a great impact on me as I was growing up. It made me want to become a performer."

    [Source: Planet Jackson; April, 2001]

    Dalvin DeGrate (Soul/R&B group 'Jodeci')
    Michael is my favorite artist. I formed my harmonies and melodies based on his music."

    [source: Billboard; April 2000]

    Missy Elliot (rapper)
    I don't look at it as he is not the hottest thing any more - I look at what he's done as a groundbreaking artist who opened a lot of doors for black acts. Michael Jackson is still amazing to me. "

    [source: Entertainment Weekly; November 1999]

    On February 27, 2002 at the Grammy Awards while receiving 'The Michael Jackson Award for Best R&B/Soul or Rap Music Video' for 'Get Ur Freak On':

    This is big. I won two Grammys; but (winning) the Michael Jackson award is major...especially for somebody who always wanted...videos to come across on a different level...like Michael."

    Eminem (RAPPER)

    Of every album I have listened to, the best of the year by far has been Invincible. Michael Jackson deserves a lot more credit than he is getting, one of the most influential performers of all time.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    Karen Faye (MAKE- UP ARTIST)
    Michael is a generous, honest, and sensitive human being, filled with amazing insight and the capacity for love. If this is weird, I want to go live on another planet.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    When Michael Jackson sings it is with the voice of angels, and when his feet move, you can see God dancing.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    Michael I believed in you when you, were a little kid, I believe in you now and I'll never stop believing in you!

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    Seth Green (Actor)
    There are two kinds of people in this world: Michael Jackson fans and losers.

    [Source: German magazing, "TV Movie;" 2009]

    M.C. Hammer (RAPPER/SINGER)
    Just a phenomenal artist, the [work] speaks for itself. You don't go much beyond Michael Jackson when it comes to performing and making good records."

    [source: VH1's special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998]

    Mary Hart (co-host of 'Entertainment Tonight')
    It's a pretty awesome experience to watch him rehearse. He knows exactly what he wants and how to get it. He's very much in charge."

    [source: while visiting tour rehearsals in Pensacola, Florida; February 1988]

    Steve Harvey (COMEDIAN, ACTOR)

    We're friends. We laugh. We joke around. I remind Michael of where he comes from. He's from Gary, Ind. - it wasn't always Neverland. I love Michael Jackson. I think he's a beautiful human being.

    [Source: People.com; September 2003]

    Heavy D (label executive, rapped on 'Jam')
    I was in California the first time I heard Michael Jackson wanted to record with me. I was, like, Nah, no way, he's too big, it can't be true. Then I got a call from Michael's people at my hotel telling me he was interested. But I still wasn't believing it-I thought they were setting me up for a TV practical jokes show. So me and my partner go to the place, and while we were waiting we were talking and cursing up a storm-I was thinking that if it was a blooper show, they wouldn't be able to use it. Then Michael called and said he was on his way. When he got there he was just, like, `Hey, how ya doin?'
    Michael's just as regular as everyone else. We talked about all the normal stuff guys talk about. He's real smart. People forget that he's the most incredible entertainer we've seen in our lifetime. His name is Michael Jackson, not Super Michael Jackson. He makes mistakes just like all of us. My favorite Michael Jackson song is "Music and Me." It's an old one, about him and his music, his love for music, and the time they've had together. It's like a song that would be sung to a girl, but it's all about music. "

    [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

    Faith Hill (COUNTRY SINGER)
    Speaking about her latest favorite moment with her 3 daughters:

    Watching them discover the genius of Michael Jackson. They’ve been absolutely obsessed with him; they dress up like Michael and then film themselves — it’s quite incredible!"

    [source: celebritybabyscoop.com; Dec. 2009]

    Anjelica Huston (ACTRESS)
    Speaking about her first meeting with Michael on the set of Captain EO.

    I met Michael on the first day of rehearsal, and I was stunned — even though, obviously, I knew his image very well — at how incredibly sweet and how modest and how innocent he was. And fragile too. In person you felt he was almost breakable. But then this thing happened when he would start to work: your heart would beat faster and the hair on your arms and the back of your neck would stick up as he literally took your breath away. I think he was the most electrifying performer I've ever seen."

    [Source: Time Magazine; Feb. 2010]

    Jimmy Jam (producer, songwriter)
    Michael's the most intense person I've worked with. For him, everything is about the music and how to make it better. He also makes work a lot of fun. He's a kid at heart-his office is not like a normal office. He has all the kids' toys. A lot of times we'd be in session, in the middle of playing a video game, and he'd be, like, "Well, we got to do this. But go ahead and finish your game, though-I don't want to mess your game up.
    The thing about Michael is his talent. If you put Michael onstage without the explosions and the other dancers, he'll still command the stage.
    There's a song called "Childhood" on the new album, and I think for the first time, Michael has put a lot of his feelings on record. That song, for right now, defines where he's at-the way he feels about himself and the way people feel about him. "

    [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

    Rodney Jerkins (Record Producer, worked on Invincible)
    He's real cool and real humble. I had a blast working with him.

    [Source: Q Magazine; February 2002]

    Elton John (singer, songwriter)
    He is a very smart cookie, Michael. He knows what he wants, he knows what he is doing. I have nothing but admiration. Also, he is a very kind person."

    [source: VH1's special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998]

    Michael is the wisest and at the same time most naive person I know.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    And Michael, on Billie Jean, he had an intro you could shave on it was so long. I said, 'It's too long, we gotta get to the melody quicker.' He said, 'But that's the jelly! That's what makes me wanna dance.' Now, when Michael Jackson tells you that's what makes him want to dance, the rest of us had to shut up.

    [Source: British Telegraph; November 2007]

    Beyonce Knowles (singer, actress)
    Stevie Wonder, Prince, Michael Jackson.... whenever I meet them, I get so nervous I don't know what to say. Michael Jackson, I was so excited, I was jumping up and down!

    [Source: BBC Radio1; July, 2003]

    Lenny Kravitz (SINGER)
    Working with Michael Jackson was probably the best recording experience of my life. He was totally cool, absolutely professional and a beautiful, beautiful guy. And let’s not forget, he's a musical genius.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    Queen Latifah (singer)
    I can think back to when I was little and we just loved the JACKSON 5's ABC. We would just dance in the living room, my brother and I and my mom.

    He's like the greatest entertainer of all time. I'm looking at his influence in Usher and Justin Timberlake - these guys are doing Michael Jackson moves and they just kind of hooked him up for now.

    As a performer, he influenced most people and showed many people how to do things differently. Watching his videos like THRILLER and BEAT IT... The first time I saw that walkway light up in BILLY JEAN, I was like, `Oh my God,' and then seeing him performing it on stage. There's nothing that he hasn't done that hasn't amazed me."

    [Source: Contactmusic.com; March 2005]

    Sean Lennon (singer, son of John Lennon)
    If it wasn't for Michael Jackson, I probably wouldn't make music now. Thriller changed my life completely."

    [source: 'US' magazine; October 1998]

    My feelings about Michael Jackson are simple: I think that he's a human being like everyone else and I'm a huge fan of him.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    Ricky Martin (singer)
    Whoa, talking about Mr. Jackson, all my respects. He definitely has a lot to do with my career. He's the legend; El Maestro, you know? From him, we learn a lot, and definitely he will always be a part of my life. "

    [source: MTV USA; November 1999]

    All that I know comes from Michael Jackson.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    omarion (singer)
    MJ is the King! He is the major influence in my artistry.

    [Source: Michael's YouTube page, December 2007]

    Teddy Pendegrass (musician)
    People like Michael come along once in history. He's a bonafide superstar."

    [source: VH1's special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998]

    Lisa Marie Presley (singer, daughter of elvis presley, michael's ex- wife)
    Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    Rhymefest (rapper, Hip - hop Artist)
    Talking about the release of his new Michael Jackson homage mix CD entitled 'Man in the Mirror.'

    This was very important to me, seeing as how Michael Jackson is responsible for a revolution in music that took place when he dropped a f**king bomb on the planet called Thriller."

    [Source: SOHHcom; January 2008]

    I don't think there's anyone who could approach Michael Jackson for sheer brilliance. Every song is perfect, every performance magnificent. I don't think what's gone on since should taint the music - you judge the record on its own terms."
    [Source: contactmusic.com; December 2005]

    Read what other stars (listed alphabetically) had to say about Michael:

    Rhymefest (rapper, Hip - hop Artist)
    Talking about the release of his new Michael Jackson homage mix CD entitled 'Man in the Mirror.'

    This was very important to me, seeing as how Michael Jackson is responsible for a revolution in music that took place when he dropped a f**king bomb on the planet called Thriller."

    [Source: SOHHcom; January 2008]

    I don't think there's anyone who could approach Michael Jackson for sheer brilliance. Every song is perfect, every performance magnificent. I don't think what's gone on since should taint the music - you judge the record on its own terms."
    [Source: contactmusic.com; December 2005]

    Lionel Richie (Singer, songwriter)
    Mike is a good friend and very misunderstood....He just doesn't have a norm. At seven he had a tutor. At seven he was being chased down the street by women. He's as crazy as can be but a good crazy. Where most people go out and get a dog, he buys an elephant or a giraffe, and if I gave Sophie, my four-year-old, $90 million and said, 'Go buy a pet,' she'd probably bring home an elephant too.

    [Source: UK Times; December 2002]

    Joan Rivers (Comedian)
    During the 1984 Grammy Award telecast, comedian Joan Rivers joined singer Boy George in reading the Grammy voting rules and she stated:

    The reason we're reading the rules is so that all the losers will know why they lost to Michael Jackson."

    [Source: The Times; Feb. 1984]

    To finally meet someone whose music we've grown up listening to blew us away! Michael was one of the nicest people we've ever met - he came up to us singing the lyrics to BOOTYLICIOUS! We just stood there like dumbstruck fans with our mouths open in shock - I think we may have even screamed!"
    [Source: contactmusic.com; December 2005]

    Brooke Shields (Actress)
    I met him when I was 13. There were a handful of child stars at the time - actress Jodie Foster, Michael and myself among them - and we were friends because we shared an understanding of how difficult life was in the public eye. When we were together, we were in a safe place. We could be ourselves."

    [Source: Contactmusic.com; May 2005]

    Sisqo (singer)
    In an interview with Billboard magazine, pop star Sisqo was asked whom he would like to duet with in a live performance. He answered:

    Michael Jackson! I'd just love to work with Michael, period. So, Michael, if you're reading this, call me!"

    [Source: Planet Jackson; June, 2000]

    Read what other stars (listed alphabetically) had to say about Michael:

    Brooke Shields (Actress)
    I met him when I was 13. There were a handful of child stars at the time - actress Jodie Foster, Michael and myself among them - and we were friends because we shared an understanding of how difficult life was in the public eye. When we were together, we were in a safe place. We could be ourselves."

    [Source: Contactmusic.com; May 2005]

    Sisqo (singer)
    In an interview with Billboard magazine, pop star Sisqo was asked whom he would like to duet with in a live performance. He answered:

    Michael Jackson! I'd just love to work with Michael, period. So, Michael, if you're reading this, call me!"

    [Source: Planet Jackson; June, 2000]

    Slash (Rock guitarist, played on 'Dangerous' and 'HIStory')
    He's a fucking brilliant entertainer, a complete natural."

    [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

    The thing about Michael is he's hands down one of the most professional, most talented performers I have ever worked with. All the brouhaha aside, when it comes down to it you can have 60 choreographed dancers up there and you know which one Michael is.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    I worked with Michael on his ‘Dangerous’ album in 1990 and in my mind he’ll always be a hero.”

    [Source: London Lite Newspaper; March 2008]

    Will Smith
    In May 2002, during an Interview for the Australian tv show 'A Current Affair' the actor talks about being with Michael on the set of 'Men In Black 2':

    Listen, Michael Jackson is really funny. To have time to spend with him and actually be around him, he is not what...people think he is. Michael Jackson's like a black belt too, so he will kick your ass if you say somethin' about him. Yes, Michael Jackson kicked over my head."

    Steven Spielberg (MOVIE DIRECTOR)
    He's sort of a fawn in a burning forest. It's a nice place where Michael comes from. I wish we could all spend some time in his world.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]

    Bruce Swedien (audio engineer)
    All this stuff about Michael being a weirdo — it's a pile of goddamn... I've recorded a whole lot of these pop-musicians and this guy's the straightest of the goddamn lot.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2008]

    I'd be proud to have that kid (Michael) as my son any day.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2008]

    Elizabeth Taylor (actress)
    Everything about Michael is truthful. And there is something in him that is so dear and childlike - not childish, but childlike - that we both have and identify with. "

    [source: Talk magazine; October 1999]

    Justin Timberlake (Singer)
    I had a couple meetings with the man himself, and he's an extraordinary artist. He kicked me out of the meeting 'cause I wouldn't stop asking for autographs!"

    [Source: SonicNet.com; April, 2001]

    Read what other stars (listed alphabetically) had to say about Michael:

    Elizabeth Taylor (actress)
    Everything about Michael is truthful. And there is something in him that is so dear and childlike - not childish, but childlike - that we both have and identify with. "

    [source: Talk magazine; October 1999]

    Justin Timberlake (Singer)
    I had a couple meetings with the man himself, and he's an extraordinary artist. He kicked me out of the meeting 'cause I wouldn't stop asking for autographs!"

    [Source: SonicNet.com; April, 2001]

    T-Pain (Hip - Hop Artist)
    It was great just meeting Michael Jackson. Just them calling saying, 'Hey we got to push your studio time back because Michael Jackson wants to meet you.' Just that moment right there was the highlight of my life."

    [Source: Voice of America; January 2008]

    Chris Tucker (actor, comedian)
    Well, you know, I like all of Michael Jackson's stuff, he's my man. I think that he's the greatest entertainer ever because he just brings so much energy to the screen. Creatively, he took it to a whole other level."

    [Source: Mr Showbiz; August, 2001]

    Usher (R&B singer)
    I study legends because I want to be a legend - Frank Sinatra, Fred Estaire....Michael Jackson. That's who inspires me. "

    [source: USA Today; October 9, 1997]

    Alek Wek (Supermodel)
    Michael Jackson really is the king of pop. When my friends talk about childhood, I've never heard of any cartoons or TV they remember. The only thing we share is Michael Jackson. That's how far his music travelled - to a remote village on the other side of the world. When the militias came to Wau, they would blast out 'Thriller' as they moved down the dirt streets."

    [source: The Observer Magazine; November 2007]

    Read what other stars (listed alphabetically) had to say about Michael:

    Alek Wek (Supermodel)
    Michael Jackson really is the king of pop. When my friends talk about childhood, I've never heard of any cartoons or TV they remember. The only thing we share is Michael Jackson. That's how far his music travelled - to a remote village on the other side of the world. When the militias came to Wau, they would blast out 'Thriller' as they moved down the dirt streets."

    [source: The Observer Magazine; November 2007]

    Will . I . am (singer, producer)
    Working with Michael Jackson has been probably like, one of the greatest experiences in my career right now. As a musician and a person in the music industry, there's these livels of success...like, "oh you're platinum" or ooh you had a song at number one on the radio for six weeks," you know. Or "Dude, you got 3 Grammy nominations," or oh, you're playing the Grammys!" And they are all pretty much the same kinda thing. But then there's like, "You worked with Michael Jackson." And that one, just for me and my generation, it's like, bigger than a Grammy. 'Cause a Grammy is a Grammy, right? It's a trophy. And it's dope to be acknowledged by that committee...but, Michael Jackson is Michael Jackson!"

    [Source: Michael's YouTube page; December 2007]

    When I finally sat down with him, I was nervous. I couldn't be the way I would be like when I'm with Justin or Nas. I've idolised Michael my whole life.”

    [Source: rwdmag.com; Januaray, 2008]

    Hype Williams (video director)
    The choreography [in Thriller] is tremendous. It's a new appreciation of how dance can move a music video. He wasn't just a tremendous artist, tremendous performer, it was amazing how ingenious he was to foresee that music video could be anything you wanted in the beginning."

    [source: MTV; March 2000]

    pharrell Williams (producer, performer)
    Speaking about the song 'Billie Jean':

    That song was incredible. I wish and aspire to make something like that one day.

    [Source: Michael's YouTube page; December 2007]

    Read what other stars (listed alphabetically) had to say about Michael:

    Alek Wek (Supermodel)
    Michael Jackson really is the king of pop. When my friends talk about childhood, I've never heard of any cartoons or TV they remember. The only thing we share is Michael Jackson. That's how far his music travelled - to a remote village on the other side of the world. When the militias came to Wau, they would blast out 'Thriller' as they moved down the dirt streets."

    [source: The Observer Magazine; November 2007]

    Will . I . am (singer, producer)
    Working with Michael Jackson has been probably like, one of the greatest experiences in my career right now. As a musician and a person in the music industry, there's these livels of success...like, "oh you're platinum" or ooh you had a song at number one on the radio for six weeks," you know. Or "Dude, you got 3 Grammy nominations," or oh, you're playing the Grammys!" And they are all pretty much the same kinda thing. But then there's like, "You worked with Michael Jackson." And that one, just for me and my generation, it's like, bigger than a Grammy. 'Cause a Grammy is a Grammy, right? It's a trophy. And it's dope to be acknowledged by that committee...but, Michael Jackson is Michael Jackson!"

    [Source: Michael's YouTube page; December 2007]

    When I finally sat down with him, I was nervous. I couldn't be the way I would be like when I'm with Justin or Nas. I've idolised Michael my whole life.”

    [Source: rwdmag.com; Januaray, 2008]

    Hype Williams (video director)
    The choreography [in Thriller] is tremendous. It's a new appreciation of how dance can move a music video. He wasn't just a tremendous artist, tremendous performer, it was amazing how ingenious he was to foresee that music video could be anything you wanted in the beginning."

    [source: MTV; March 2000]

    pharrell Williams (producer, performer)
    Speaking about the song 'Billie Jean':

    That song was incredible. I wish and aspire to make something like that one day.

    [Source: Michael's YouTube page; December 2007]

    Amy Winehouse (singer)
    Speaking with a reporter about who her favorite artists are, she said this about Michael Jackson:

    Well, he is the one person I truly believe - I mean musician wise - who I truly believe is magical."

    [Source: Big Picture; November 2008

    Stevie Wonder (SINGER, SONGWRITER)
    Michael's a natural. He's a very hard worker and a super performer. But most of all he's a real human being.

    [Source: Wikiquote; 2007]
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    Писане by for all time Сря Юли 28, 2010 12:24 am

    My close encounter with Michael Jackson
    By Gwen J. Cariño (The Philippine Star) Updated July 05, 2009 12:00 AM Comments (9) View comments

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    Handing out a loot bag to a boy during the Orphan‘s Christmas Party held at Manila Hotel on December 1996

    MANILA, Philippines – When I was a PR officer at Manila Hotel, I was assigned to head the annual Orphan’s Christmas Party where 300 children from different orphanages around Metro Manila were treated to a day of fun and surprises. It was one of the biggest projects on my plate and it was such a challenge to focus on work the day before the big event, knowing Michael Jackson was billeted in the hotel.

    Two nights before, I had been fortunate to be part of his welcome line at the hotel lobby together with the rest of the PR and sales staff but was content enough to see him walk by.

    The day before, a guy claiming to be Michael Jackson’s aide from Mamarao Productions came to the office. I couldn’t recall his name but he looked for the “person in charge” and said his boss had read the announcement about the event in the Dear Guest flyers we had circulated to all the rooms a week before. Michael wanted to know how he could help. His aide went up to the Penthouse and down to the PR office several times after we gave our suggestions.

    Michael offered to fill up the 300 loot bags with goodies and toys, candies and chocolates. But after getting close to 50 sponsors, it was actually a problem for us to dispose of everything.

    So I thought hard…how can the King of Pop meaningfully join the affair? I couldn’t possibly have him be with the kids in the palayok game or the pabitin as he might end up being mobbed! And since the annual event was really all about giving, I mustered all my courage and told the Mamarao guy that the best thing I could think of was for Michael to literally be present to help distribute the loot bags, sign autographs and pose with the children for photos. “Wow, that may not be easy. You’re talking about handing goodie bags to 300 children and I can just imagine the chaos. We’ll see, Ms. Jacinto. I’ll get back to you,” he said.

    Lunch break came and it was the most hurried one I ever took in my entire life. It wasn’t until after 5 p.m. that Michael‘s aide came back and said, “Michael is more than happy to do whatever you suggest. How do we go about it tomorrow?”

    I wanted to scream. I had to calm myself and regain composure as the Lizzie Maguire in me said, “Get real, get back into focus.”

    We agreed that Michael would join after the games, musical program and snacks, and at the last part to give out the loot bags. My colleague Annette Africano and boss Dulce Agnir requested for additional security around the garden and the stage area as this was where we decided to distribute the gifts. We made sure the children would form an orderly line.

    Then the moment arrived. It was at the Champagne Gardens on Dec. 7, 1996. I was surprised to see him walking towards us, guided by his aide. Michael came up to me as I had to brief him.

    “Hi, how are you? Thanks so much for letting me in, I know I’m early ’coz I didn’t want to miss the program.”

    I said, “Are you kidding? Thanks so much for volunteering! Here’s what Michael, why don’t you just sit here and watch the musical numbers before we get into the gift giving. I will have to tweak the program a bit.”

    He replied, “Sure, anything you say… (pausing to look at my name tag) Gwen!”

    I was stunned at how incredibly sweet and modest he was. And in my mind it was, “Oh my God, this is really happening!”

    Amazing how he patiently sat through the whole program. Carol Banawa, then an Ang TV mainstay couldn’t believe MJ was watching her perform. She had her red blouse signed by him right after her number. Then followed Stefano Mori’s dance number. Later, his back up singers and dancers came up on stage followed by select kids from different orphanages who danced to the beat of Billie Jean. Oh, the smile on Michael’s face was just amazing.

    Then we announced that Michael will be distributing gifts onstage. I explained to him that there’s a loot bag for the younger kids and another for the older ones and he nodded. The thrill and excitement he gave those children was incredibly touching. It was in between the gift bag distribution that I caught a glimpse of MJ, not as a performer but as a person.

    It was one in the afternoon. Santa Claus (David Endriga, a friend of fellow PR officer Francis Capistrano) was with us. The heat was scourging and I was worried that Michael felt so hot with his black long-sleeved signature attire and hat.

    “Are you alright Michael? We can let you take a break,” I asked.

    He said, “I’m cool Gwen. Just imagine how Santa feels inside his velvet suit and beard. We’ll be fine.”

    I never heard him complain or say a word about how hot it was or how long the line was. He had the most beautiful manners. He didn’t even ask for a drink or a towel to wipe his sweat but one of our banquet staff made sure he got a glass of fresh orange juice.

    An hour passed and we were halfway through gift-giving when we noticed that the garden was getting filled up. Suddenly, there were people from media, politicians, officials and hotel guests including those in a wedding reception at the nearby Champagne Room who deserted the newly-weds just to get a glimpse of the King of Pop.

    “Oh oh, this isn’t supposed to be, I’m so sorry,” I said. It’s all right, we’ll get through it,” Michael said smiling.

    As we finished giving out the last loot bag to an 11-year-old orphan, a new line of more kids and adults formed. Michael’s bodyguard, Wayne, said. “We can leave now.”

    Michael replied calmly, “We can’t leave when there are still people in line. It’s Christmas, dude.”

    I felt my heart beat faster and the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood up. He wasn’t just the most electrifying performer, but the most generous person.

    One of the most memorable moments was when a lady came up to him for an autograph. Laughing and holding his tummy, he said “Hey Gwen, you’ve gotta check this out. He whispered, “It’s a blank check. The lady is making me sign on a blank check.”

    We laughed hard and little did we know that it wasn’t even half of the comedy. He later showed me and Wayne other stuff people would use or pick up on the ground when they couldn’t find paper for him to sign on. One lady made him sign at the back of her elegant, designer Filipiniana gown. One teenager came up to him holding a dead leaf and another one, a popped balloon. Imagine how our laughter ballooned as well.

    It was an amazing, genuine experience. At one point he asked if I was going to catch his History concert and I said “tomorrow night.”

    “Oh, you’ll have a blast!” Michael told me.

    At this point he became concerned about the stage as adults outnumbered the kids. His face had nervousness written all over it but he still didn’t complain. He tapped the wooden floor with his foot several times making sure it was sturdy enough not to fall apart. “I’ve experienced the stage collapse and I just want to make sure we’re all safe here,” he explained.

    Half of me wanted the line to finish because we were literally melting and worried about our safety, but half of me didn’t, knowing that once the line ended, Michael will leave.

    At some point it did end. I managed to get an autograph for my sisters and me before our general manager, Clem Pablo, requested him to sing Give Love on Christmas Day.

    Cesar Sarino, one of the hotel’s officials, addressed his thank you note to the King of Pop. Then I saw his guards and aides whisking Michael off stage.

    I said in my mind, “Oh man, I didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye.”

    Suddenly, I saw Michael return on stage and say, “Thanks so much to you and your team, Gwen. This really means a lot.”

    Then he held me beside him and said, “I’ll see you at the concert.”

    As Michael Jackson is laid to rest and returned to pristine condition in the afterlife, these two incredible acts of the King of Pop — volunteering for charity and unselfishly spending time with the less fortunate, will forever be the way I will remember this man.
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    Писане by smile Сря Юли 28, 2010 10:07 am

    Тес -че, мила, моля те,
    когато имаш време
    Не сега, след малко или веднага!
    преведи ми нещичко от това............



    Превеждах с гугъл АМА нъл знаеш..............
    .....на тебе се надам! Very Happy

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    Писане by andeli Сря Юли 28, 2010 3:05 pm

    Това интервю ми направи впечатление и се опитах да го преведа.

    Когато почине една знаменитост, нейната смърт може да ни накра да страдаме както за приятел или за любим човек от семейството. Попитахме Дейвид Кеслър, АОL съветник по здравеопазването , съавтор на книгата "On Grief and Grieving" и траурен съветник в Лос Анджелис, за да ни даде някои переспективи на скръбтта по знаменитост и смисъла на общественият ни траур.

    В: Защо тъгуваме по известни личности, които не познаваме лично?

    О: Защото ги познаваме. Много пъти скърбим за хора, с кото сме прекарали няколко часа. Това може да се случи чрез телевизията или киното, но по много истински начин, ние започваме да познаваме тяхната публична визия, тяхната работа и понякога личният им живот. Понякога свързваме знаменитостта със събития от нашия личен живот, например:" Тази песен звуча на сватбата ми" или " Видях го/я на Бродуей." или " Той/тя има син на възръстта на моя син.". Ние сме склонни да намерим лична връзка с известните личности.

    В: Защо смъртта на някоя знаменитост приемаме по- трудно от тази на нечия друга знаменитост?

    О:Като цяло, дълбочината на скръбта ни, зависи от размера на очакванията ни. Когато знаменитост или някой когото познаваме почине млад, това нарушава нашето лично чувство за сигурност. То е като: "Това не трябваше да се случи!". От друга страна, вие очаквате някой като Ed McMahon, който вече е на възраст да си отиде, особено, ако е болен. Това очакване може да омекоти удара, когато лицето действително почине, защото ние ще сме имали възможност да се адаптираме към реалността.
    Смъртта на звезда може да е шокираща, защото ни напомня, че и ние сме смъртни. Ние живеем с убеждението, че парите и известността водят до най- добрите лекарски грижи. Има чувство, че щом Фара Фосет, например, не успя да оцелее, когато тя е била под опеката на най- добрите лекари, какъв е нашият шанс тогава? Когато почине звезда това ни напомня, че пред смъртта сме равни и никой не може да се измъкне.

    В: Как мъката по знаменитост се различава от тази по приятел или член на семейството ни?

    О: Скръбта по звезда е по- съдена от другите. Ако 50- годишнияят ви брат получи сърдечен удар или 60 годишнта ви сестра има рак, вски би оценил загубата ви. Но, ако ние сме далече и почине любимата ни ТВ звезда и ние сме разтроени и тъгуваме по нея има хора, кото ще ни кажат: " Ти дори не го познаваш. Как може да си в траур?" . Хората не могат да разберат вашата връзка с тази знаменитост. Но М. Джаксън или Ф. Фосет, например, са много известни личности и те да са интимна част от живота ви. Много от нас са израстнали с М. Джаксън. Може би са имали плакат на Ф. Фосет на шкафчето си, когато са били на 15.

    В: Преминаваме ли през 5те етапа при смъртта - отричане, гняв, сделка, депресия и приемане, когато почине знаменитост?

    О: Да, етапите при смърт са универсални за всички. Мога да проследя етапите при всяка знаменитост. С М. Джаксън, например, е имало отричане, защото той е бил в болница. Казва се, че е сериозно, но той не може да умре. После идва гневът: Аз съм ядосан, че той почина. Как може това да се случи? После идва сделката/в смисъл започват съмненията/ : Чакайте, една минута. Ако лекърят не е бил там или ако е бил различен лекар, можеше да се случи по различен начин? После идва и депресията, че М. Джаксън си е отъшъл завинаги. Няма да повече от тази музика, нито нещо ново, нито повече изпълнения. След това идва и приемането, че той вече е заедно с имента на Елвис Пресли и много други.

    В: Каква е ролята на медиите в процеса на скърбене?

    О: Те продължават връзката ни с известаната личност. Благодарение на тях знаем веднага когато една звезда отива в болницата и какво се слувчва. Научаваме за смъртта им веднага. И това е справедливо. Ако вие сте виждали тази личност през целият си живот в медиите би било немислимо да не видите и смъртта им по тях. Но мъката на всеки е уникална толкова колкото са и пръстовите ни отпечатъци. Винаги ще има хора, които ще се занимават с медийното отразяване на смъртта на знаменитости и ще казват: " Стига вече!". И винаги ще има хора, които няма да им е достатъчно. Всички казват, че публичната мъка не е новост. Събирахме се на площадите в градовете и селата, за да говорим за познатите ни от общността хора, когато починат. Сега ТВ го доведе до ново ниво.

    В: Може ли медийното отразяване на смъртта да помогне на процеса на траур?

    О: Гледането на погребения и ковчези или трагични случай, мкоито се показват по ТВ може да изиграе оздравителна роля при този процес, ако вие сте подготвени за това и ако са представени по подходящ начин. Но това не ускорява процеса на траур. Да се скърби е естествена и здравословна реакция. Траурът е външният израз, а мъката е вътрешният. Въшният израз може да си отиде, но ние можем да скърбим /вътрешно/ още години наред. Скръбта си отива и се връща и не боли по- малко , просто боли по- рядко. Медийното отразяване на смъртта на знаменитост може да ни помогне да продължим да тъгуваме, ако се нуждаем от повече време, за преминем през тази смърт. Например, ако сте загубили любим човек или сте свързани по някакъв начи н с 9/11 или просто сте трогнати от този ден, можете да чуете някава мелодия на 11 септември или да посетите някакъв меморила. Точно това се случва и когато преминавате през смъртта на знаменитост. Много пъти ще се направят чествания на годишнината от смъртта. Ако имате чувство, че се нуждаеетеда си възтъновите, припомните и потъжите малко повече, медиите често ни дават тази възможност.

    В: Трябва ли да се пазите от медиите, ако мислите, че отразяването на смърта на знаменитостта не е здравословно за вас?

    О: Ние трябва да следим за нашите реакции по процеса на мъка и скръб. Ако мислите, че да отдаването на вниманието на начина, по който медиите отразяват това е здравословно за вас, вие можете да ги следите. Ние всички знаем, че когато вниманието ни е натрапчиво насочено и не можем да се измъкнем, то тогава това не е балгоприятно за нас. Ако смятате, че онова, което ви се предлага не е подходящо за вас, сменете канала. Има бутон за изключване.

    В: Кaкво можем да направим, за да управляваме своя процес на траур?

    О: Даването на външен израз на чувствата може да им помогне не станат нетърпими. Преоръчвам ви пет начина да го направите:
    1. Ако чувстватата ви са много силни и има публичен мемориал на знаменитостта, присъствайте на него или го гледайте по телевизията.
    2. Изпратете картичка или кратко писмо да близките. Обикновено може да намерите имейл адреса им в Интернет.
    3. Разговаряйте с други хора, които изпитвтват същото към тази знаменитост като теб.
    4. Станете доброволец или дарете пари за блеготворителна организация на името на знаменитостта.
    5. Помнете какво е делото на тази знаменитост и застанете зад него с цялото си сърце и го ценете.

    В: Може ли тъгата по знаменитост да се превърне в проблем?

    О: Да се плаче и тъгува, когато някой известен човек почине е нормално, освен ако не го правите непрекъснато и мъката ви не прогресира. Например, ако слушате от време на време песни на Майкъл Джаксън и го помните - така може би е добре като интензитет. Но, ако ми кажете, че го слушате от мига, в който отворите очите си и не можете да отидете на работа- този интезитет е повече. Вие вече имате проблем. Ако наистина обичате знаменитостта, наистина ще скърбите за нея. Не отричайте чувствата си. Вие имате право на тях. Но трябва да потърсите съвет или подкрепа при тежката загуба, ако интезивността и продължителността на мъката ви е прекалено дълга или прекалено силна.

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    Писане by Tes Сря Юли 28, 2010 5:49 pm

    Не просто си се опитала, а си го превела страхотно! Другите за него с думи - Page 2 411623 Благодаря ти! Smile

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    Писане by andeli Сря Юли 28, 2010 6:09 pm

    О, Тес, мила, благодаря ти! Съжалявам, че не намирам повече време да превеждам огромното количество материал, който имаме, но точно това ми се стори важно и за нас самите, а и толкова познато.
    Няма да обещавам, защото не съм сигурна, че ще го направя, но искам да се заема с интревютата му, защото думите му трябва да са достъпни за всички.
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    THRILLER - потребител

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    Писане by Tes Сря Юли 28, 2010 6:47 pm

    Ами когато имаш възможност, време и желание за това, Лили! Всичко, което се прави и споделя тук се оценява високо, защото труда означава много, не говоря просто за преводите, а за всичко, което се поства. Тук всъщност има толкова материал, от който съществена част сигурно нямаше да успея да намеря сама в интернет...
    Доколкото интервютата - и аз мисля така. Всъщност трябва да обръщаме повече внимание на неговите думи. Определено те са най-важни. Знаем си го това. Smile
    Ако знаех, че имам цялото време на света сигурно само с това щях да се занимавам. Very Happy Но дори и ваканцията не ми е толкова свободна, колкото мислех, минава сякаш твърде бързо, а уж съм в началото й... Хах.. Извинявам се за спама ;) Embarassed
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    Писане by smile Сря Юли 28, 2010 8:04 pm


    Другите за него с думи - Page 2 Mj_bow

    Другите за него с думи - Page 2 73349 Другите за него с думи - Page 2 489155

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    Писане by andeli Чет Юли 29, 2010 11:13 pm

    Тук малко ще съчетая нещата, но не бих могла да отделя разказа от видеото. Разказа е на Карен Фей ни е познат, но мисля, че е хубаво пак да го прочетем и имаме.

    What More Can I Give

    Michael dedicated his entire life to sharing what was in his heart at all costs. He was an expert at hiding his own pain, so he could serve others. This is a story I wrote a while back that illustrates how many of those working on THIS IS IT, the crew and many staff, never saw his pain. Michael was being threatened, but he also had a deep feeling of responsibility to his family and fans to bring what moments of joy he could, to a world that was experiencing so much pain, from financial strife, war and to environmental destruction. As soon as Michael left his dressing room…it was Showtime. Michael was headlining two benefit concerts for the International Red Cross, Nelson Mandela’s Children’s Fund, and UNESCO. MICHAEL JACKSON AND FRIENDS. The roster of performers and their entourage flew from Seoul, Korea where the first concert was held, to Munich on a chartered plane. It was such a wonderful flight because we were able to spend some time and get to know everyone. There were performers from all over the world. We arrived at the Munich Olympic Stadium in the afternoon on June 27, 1999 to prepare for Michael’s evening appearance. Michael introduced Andrea Bocelli in the late afternoon. The sun was setting. The darkness changed the entire feeling of the arena. It was a hot summer evening. The crowd had been enjoying performances by other artists all day: Luther Vandross, The Kelly Brothers, Ringo Starr… but it seemed the audience was waiting for Michael. The excitement was building. Magically, the stage was being transformed with emerging walls of lights, screens and equipment that had been created for Michael’s show, that were hidden behind the other performances. Michael Jackson, Michael Bush and myself were using the last minutes to take care some details in the dressing room, just stage right. A long check list: Microphones, wires, wardrobe changes, towels, song list, ice, Gatorade, fans, grease paints, powder. Michael did some stretches to warm up, as the lights lowered in the house. I could feel the energy of anticipation the crowd directed towards us. Any hint of Michael’s appearance created excited chaos in the crowd. He would peek out at the audience from behind the curtains. The band came up the back stairs. Michael met them for the traditional prayer joining their hands. The show began with all the frenzy and excitement that they all did. We have been doing this for many years. After I prepared for the next change, I watched from stage right. Everything was going perfectly…. the medley…Beat It…Black or White with Slash…Billie Jean. The local performers for Earth Song started filing on stage. Earth Song began… then the bridge appeared, just as it had done in Korea. The children and adults slowly entered and filled the stage. The song builds…. Michael flies up the bridge and gyrates and pounds his feet, twirls as the bridge lifts away from its braces. Smoke, explosions, bombard our eyes and ears…the bridge continues higher and higher, but unlike rehearsals, and the last show…. it didn’t pause at its pinnacle… INSTEAD it came careening down gaining speed with Michael tightly grasping the railings… still singing. I started screaming, but I could not even hear my own voice over the pyro, music, and the audience. I started running out from behind the stage in horror as the bridge quickly disappeared below the front of the stage, slamming down on the concrete floor. Security grabbed and stopped me, thinking I was going to ruin the performance. Backstage, there was crying and screaming, only the crew and performers knew there was something desperately wrong. From our vantage point we had lost sight of Michael, as the bridge had fallen below the front of the stage. My heart stopped beating, while in the strong arms of a perplexed security guard. Even though the show continued for everyone else, time stood still for me, as I could not imagine how Michael could have survived such a fall. But slowly, and after what seemed like an eternity, as the music and applause continued, I saw one arm reach for the floor of the stage…then a long lean leg, another arm, another leg…he was up, center stage… finishing the end of Earth Song! My mouth dropped open in relieved amazement. Looking dazed, he made his way to our side of the stage. “Michael, sit down….” ”NO!” He demanded. ”Security… please get him to the hospital!” I was begging. “NO!” He grabbed the microphone and ran out to finish performing “You Are Not Alone”. I could not believe what I was witnessing. He finished the song, took his final bow, and returned once again to his stage dressing room and then… collapsed. Security whisked him off to a hospital in Munich. Band members, dancers, Slash and crewmembers all shocked and amazed at what we had witnessed wrapped up the show with prayers in our hearts. Once back in the hotel… I started making the phone calls to find out how he was. I got the reports that nothing was broken, but he was badly bruised, and his back was very badly strained. It had been a miracle. Being the performer he was, he knew how to land. The next day we were to leave for Paris for a photo shoot. This had been postponed until he was better. I asked him…why did you continue? I cannot believe you were able to do that. ”You know Turkle, the only thing that I heard in my head, was my father’s voice saying to me, MICHEAL, DON’T DISAPPOINT THE AUDIENCE!